WAKEUP CALL WITH ZIA MUGHAL CBNNews.com لیبل والی اشاعتیں دکھا رہا ہے۔ سبھی اشاعتیں دکھائیں
WAKEUP CALL WITH ZIA MUGHAL CBNNews.com لیبل والی اشاعتیں دکھا رہا ہے۔ سبھی اشاعتیں دکھائیں

ہفتہ، 9 مارچ، 2019

Pastors Knocked Out, Christians Killed as Persecution Spikes Dramatically in India... (FOCUS NEWS )

India is seeing a dramatic rise in persecution as more and more churches and Christians are coming under attack in 2019.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2IX3cfp

جمعہ، 8 مارچ، 2019

Chan Challenges Pastors to Stop Creating 'Wave Pool' Churches: 'We've Twisted It and It's Evil'... (FOCUS NEWS )

Evangelist Francis Chan told pastors this week they must set aside their own personal agendas and allow Jesus to lead their churches, warning against the dangers of making church like a "wave pool" at a water park  – fun, but "so different from real surfing."

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2NPl22J

Hero Missionary Doctor Who Survived Ebola Trains New Generation of African Physicians... (FOCUS NEWS )

Dr. Rick Sacra, an American medical missionary and Ebola survivor, is training a new generation of physicians on how to provide compassionate care in the Name of Christ to people of West Africa.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2UpCptu

جمعرات، 7 مارچ، 2019

11 Christian Children Arrested in Violent Raid as China Increases Persecution... (FOCUS NEWS )

China's crackdown on Christians and their churches is intensifying as officials have targeted yet another church with a major arrest that included nearly a dozen children.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tSgHCK

UK Takes Big Step to Shield Children From Online Porn... (FOCUS NEWS )

Lawmakers in the United Kingdom have added an age restriction to internet porn use. 

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tSXHV2

بدھ، 6 مارچ، 2019

Scared of the Potential Danger to the Planet, Some British Women Go on 'BirthStrike' ... (FOCUS NEWS )

A group of women in the United Kingdom has decided against having children due to the fear of climate change or other environmental disasters.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2ERpxr3

Poverty, Corruption, Despair: Worst Crisis in Venezuela's History Deepens Daily... (FOCUS NEWS )

The ongoing crisis in Venezuela is now officially the worst in that country's history. Over three million people have fled Venezuela's poverty, corruption, crime, and despair.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2HhQ1Uc

Counterterror Police Uncover 3 Explosive Devices in London... (FOCUS NEWS )

Britain's counterterrorism police are investigating after three padded mailing bags containing small explosive devices were found near major transport hubs in London.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tSyERW

How Far Would You Go to Make Sure Your Kids Eat at Night? Venezuelans Struggling to Survive    ... (FOCUS NEWS )

Venezuela's currency is now in freefall, and some estimate the inflation rate there is over ten million percent and climbing.  A month's wages in Venezuela now equals about $4.00, not nearly enough to live on.  So how are Venezuelans making it?  

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2NR5vzP

Vatican Will Open Secret Archives of Nazi-Era Pope Accused of Ignoring Holocaust... (FOCUS NEWS )

Pope Francis announced on Monday that he will open up the Vatican archives on Pope Pius XII, a World-War-II-era pope who has been criticized for allegedly staying silent while the Nazi's executed millions of Jews.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tPpfu6

منگل، 5 مارچ، 2019

A Gender Fluid Royal Baby? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Say 'Totally False'... (FOCUS NEWS )

The royal family says a report alleging that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will raise their firstborn child "gender fluid" is "totally false."

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tQevMe

Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack... (FOCUS NEWS )

Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country. 

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2J4KqmL

Rescued Human Trafficking Victims Get a New Life at Thrive Rescue... (FOCUS NEWS )

Jeremy Kraus listened to the call of God and started Thrive Rescue ten years ago.  It is now one of the best aftercare facilities in Thailand for children rescued from sexual abuse and human trafficking.  

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2TfiIIl

اتوار، 3 مارچ، 2019

‘Insulted and Beaten’: Two-Month-Old, Pregnant Women Among Those Caught Up in Brutal Arrests at Chinese Megachurch... (FOCUS NEWS )

The Chinese government has continued its brutal crackdown on one of the country’s largest churches. Authorities arrested an additional 44 members of the Early Rain Covenant Church at two venues Feb. 24, including 11 children.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2UhM0mf

‘God Has Been so Faithful’: London Street Preacher Gives Powerful Update After Shocking Arrest... (FOCUS NEWS )

Oluwole Ilesanmi, the Nigerian man who was arrested in London for simply preaching the Gospel, has spoken out following his release. “Olu” was simply quoting Scripture and preaching the good news of Jesus to anyone who would listen when, on Feb. 23, he was accosted by two police officers and arrested for “breaching the peace.”

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tOssds

ہفتہ، 2 مارچ، 2019

'We the Church Are Actually Better Together': Pastors Unite Across the World Gather to Push PEACE Plan... (FOCUS NEWS )

Established by Saddleback Church, led by Pastor Rick Warren, the conference continues an effort that began roughly 15 years ago. The effort was a strategy called the PEACE Plan which brought together Rwandan churches from all denominations to transform their nation. 

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2GU3t15

'They Arrested Him for Islamophobia': Muslim Targets Street Preacher, Police Arrest the Christian... (FOCUS NEWS )

Britain was once the home of world missions. But today, it's increasingly hostile to the gospel. In the latest episode, London police are under fire for arresting an elderly Nigerian man for preaching on the streets of London

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2H6pNUu

Trump's Decision to Leave the Hanoi Summit: Success, or Failure?... (FOCUS NEWS )

His critics are calling it a failure. But President Trump and members of his administration say walking out of the Hanoi summit was a necessary step in a lengthy process to reach agreement on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. 

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2tLoJ0d

'The Kids Are so Young': Every Ontario Elementary School Forced to Fly Gay Pride Flag... (FOCUS NEWS )

In June, every elementary school in Ontario, Canada will be forced to fly the gay pride flag to commemorate Pride Month. 

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2TkLhDI

جمعہ، 1 مارچ، 2019

Gospel for Asia Reaches Settlement Ending 3-Year Legal Nightmare: 'We Look to the Future with Optimism'... (FOCUS NEWS )

One of the world's largest missionary agencies is thanking God as a more than three-year legal battle against allegations of financial fraud is finally coming to an end.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2H4u7Ue