جمعہ، 16 مارچ، 2018

Nike Executive Resigns; C.E.O. Addresses Workplace Behavior Complaints


By TIFFANY HSU from NYT Business Day http://ift.tt/2FMOpyb

Stormy Daniels Interview to Air on ‘60 Minutes’ This Month


By MATTHEW HAAG from NYT Business Day http://ift.tt/2HDzyGR

‘Atlanta’ Season 2, Episode 3: Money Is an Idea


By LEIGH-ANN JACKSON from NYT Arts http://ift.tt/2Dw1wSf

سعودی شہزادے صرف جھوٹی اور کڑوی باتیں کرتے ہیں: ایران

سعودی ولی عہد شہزادہ محمد بن سلمان نے کہا ہے کہ اگر ایران نے ایٹمی ہتھیار تیار کیے تو سعودی عرب بھی ایٹمی ہتھیار بنائے گا۔ ادھر ایران نے سعودی شہزادی کے بیان کو ’بے معنی‘ قرار دیتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ وہ صرف جھوٹی اور کڑوی باتیں کرتے ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2pgc4AF

امریکہ: میامی میں زیر تعمیر پل گر گیا، چار افراد ہلاک

امریکی ریاست فلوریڈا کے شہر میامی میں پیدل سڑک عبور کرنے کے لیے نصب کیا گیا زیر تعمیر پل گر گیا ہے اور اس واقعے میں کم سے کم چار افراد ہلاک ہوئے ہیں اور دس سے زیادہ زخمی ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tUNTwx

فرانس میں سعودی شہزادی کی گرفتاری کے وارنٹ جاری

ایک فرانسیسی جج نے سعودی شہزادی حصہ بنت سلمان کی گرفتاری کے وارنٹ جاری کیے ہیں جن پر ایک مزدور کو اپنے باڈی گارڈ کے ذریعے تشدد کروانے کا الزام ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2FWgaHU

ایئرپورٹ کے رن وے پر سونے چاندی کی بارش

روس کے مشرقی شہر کے ایئر پورٹ کے رن وے پر قیمتی دھاتوں کی بارش نے سب کو حیران کر دیا جب کارگو جہاز سے گرنے والی سونے اور چاندی کی اینٹیں رن وے پر بکھری ہوئی تھیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tUNJVX

سنیل نارائن کا بولنگ ایکشن رپورٹ، وارننگ لسٹ میں شامل

پاکستان سپر لیگ میں لاہور قلندرز کی نمائندگی کرنے والے ویسٹ انڈین آف اسپنر سنیل نارائن کے بولنگ ایکشن کو میچ آفیشلز نے قواعد وضوابط کے برخلاف قرار دے دیا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2GBXFGF

پاکستان نے بھارت میں اپنے سفیر کو ’مشاورت‘ کے لیے بلا لیا

پاکستان نے انڈیا میں پاکستانی سفارتکاروں اور ان کے اہل خانہ کو ہراساں کیے جانے پر دہلی میں پاکستانی ہائی کمشنر سہیل محمود کو مشاورت کے لیے اسلام آباد بلایا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2FLH0z1

’شیرِ پنجاب سے وابستہ امیدیں پوری نہ ہو سکیں‘

پنجاب کے دیہی علاقوں میں بیلوں کی دوڑ ایک مقبول کھیل ہے۔ لوگ بہت اہتمام سے ان مقابلوں کے لیے بیل پالتے ہیں اور ان کی خدمت کرتے ہیں۔ دیکھیے اس ڈیجیٹل ویڈیو میں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tUIS6Y

تصاویر: انسانی اور قدرتی سانحوں سے متاثرہ افراد کی نئی زندگی

چار فوٹوگرافرز نے ان افراد کی زندگیوں کی تصویر کشی کی جو مختلف نوعیت کے سانحوں سے دوچار ہوئے تھے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2FWfSki

قلعہ سیف اللہ: مکان میں دھماکے سے ایک ہلاک، سات زخمی

پاکستان کے صوبہ بلوچستان کے ضلعے قلعہ سیف اللہ میں ایک مکان میں ہونے والے دھماکے میں کم ازکم ایک شخص ہلاک اور 7زخمی ہو گئے ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2phmH5A

پاکستان کے زرمبادلہ کےذخائر کم ہو کر 12 ارب ڈالر رہ گئے

بین الاقوامی مالیاتی فنڈ (آئی ایم ایف) نے پاکستان کی اقتصادی صورتحال پر اپنی رپورٹ جاری کر دی ہے جس کے مطابق باکستان کے پاس زرمبادلہ کے ذخائر کم ہو کر 12.8 ارب ڈالر رہ گئے ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2HDemRb

اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ کی کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز کو شکست

پاکستان سپر لیگ کے تیسرے ایڈیشن میں اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز کو چھ ووکٹوں سے شکست دیے دی ہے۔ کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز نے پہلے کھیلتے ہوئے 147 رنز بنائے تھے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2GzjPt5

پشاور زلمی نے کراچی کنگز کو 44 رنز سے شکست دے دی

پاکستان سپر لیگ کے تیسرے ایڈیشن میں جمعرات کو شارجہ میں کھیلے جا رہے پہلے میچ میں پشاور زلمی نے کراچی کنگز کو 44 رنز سے شکست دے دی ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tRxxEL

برطانیہ: ڈرون کے ذریعے سملنگ پر متعدد گرفتار

برطانوی حکام نے ڈرون کے ذریعے بڑے پیمانے پر جیلوں میں منشیات اور فون سمگل کرنے کے منصوبے میں ملوث ہونے کے الزام میں دس افراد کو گرفتار کیا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tOEKFA

پریتولا راشد ایک نرم دل پائلٹ

نیپال کے دارالحکومت کٹھمنڈو کے ہوائی اڈے پر پیر کو ایک مسافر طیارے کو لینڈنگ کے دوران پیش آنے والے حادثے میں کم از کم 49 افراد ہلاک ہوئے۔ اس طیارے کو اڑانے والی 25 سالہ معاون پائلٹ پریتولا راشد کی یہ دوسری پرواز تھی۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2GzJHFe

بھارتی ماؤتھ فریشنر کمپنی نے دھوکا دیا: جیمز بانڈ اداکار کی شکایت

اداکار پئیرس براسنین نے انڈین حکام کو بتایا ہے کہ انھیں ایک ماؤتھ فریشنر کمپنی نے اپنے برانڈ کی تشہیر کے حوالے سے ’دھوکا‘ دیا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tOEztU

بوتل والے پانی میں پلاسٹک کا انکشاف

عالمی ادارہ صحت نے پینے کے پانی میں پلاسٹک کی موجودگی کے ممکنہ خطرے کا جائزہ لینے کا کہا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tOEsP0

چترال میں پیراگلائیڈنگ زوال کا شکار

پاکستاان کے صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا کے ضلع چترال میں پیراگلائیڈنگ کا کھیل اب زوال کا شکار ہے، اس کی وجوہات کیا ہیں دیکھیے اس ڈیجیٹل رپورٹ میں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tOEoie

کیا یہ امیتابھ بچن ہیں؟

کیا آپ نے بالی وڈ فلم ’ٹھگز آف ہندوستان‘ امیتابھ بچن میں کا نیا انداز دیکھا ہے؟ ان کا وہی انداز جو گذشتہ کچھ دنوں سے انڈیا میڈیا میں سٹریم اور سوشل میڈیا میں دکھایا جارہا تھا۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2Gy0o3N

’چین ہماری سوچ سے بھی آگے ہے‘

بھارتی فوج کے سربراہ وپن راوت نے کہا ہے کہ چین اپنی اقتصادی طاقت کے ساتھ ساتھ اپنی فوجی طاقت کو بھی اتنا بڑھا رہا ہے جو ہماری سوچ سے بھی آگے ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول http://ift.tt/2tQjS0T

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Miami police hold press conference to discuss FIU bridge collapse

03/15/18 4:29 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Several deaths reported after Florida university bridge collapses, official says

03/15/18 2:57 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

At least 6 people injured in Florida International University bridge collapse

03/15/18 2:28 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Video released showing Florida ex-deputy standing outside Parkland school

03/15/18 1:01 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump admin imposing fresh sanction on Putin's Russia

03/15/18 10:40 AM

Twitter Erupts Over Donald Trump's 'Immigrants Are Pro Mountain Climbers' Warning


Twitter Erupts Over Donald Trump's 'Immigrants Are Pro Mountain Climbers' WarningPeople ridiculed President Donald Trump on Tuesday after he warned that

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2IsK4ls

Man shoots 2 at hospital before killing self; 1 victim dead


Man shoots 2 at hospital before killing self; 1 victim deadBIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — One man is dead and another is in critical condition after a gunman opened fire inside an Alabama hospital and then fatally shot himself, police said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2FRYD3l

The Russian Bear Strikes Back: Moscow Threatens US After New Sanctions Target Russia's Hacks on US Power Grid

The Trump administration accused Russia of a rigorous and ongoing campaign to hack and spy on America's energy grid. Meanwhile, in a separate move, the administration issued new sanctions against 19 Russians for their alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

from CBNNews.com http://ift.tt/2pfzMx7

'Contempt & Defiance': US, UK, France, Germany Unite Against Russian Nerve Gas Attack

Britain is taking action to sever certain diplomatic ties with Russia on suspicions the nation is behind the poisoning of an ex-spy with a nerve gas attack on British soil. "They have treated the use of a military-grade nerve agent in Europe with sarcasm, contempt and defiance," Prime Minister Theresa May charged.

from CBNNews.com http://ift.tt/2FZl5b7

جمعرات، 15 مارچ، 2018

N.C.A.A. Tournament: Texas Southern and Syracuse Advance


By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS from NYT Sports http://ift.tt/2DrFobG

Overlooked No More: Alison Hargreaves, Who Conquered Everest Solo and Without Bottled Oxygen


By MAYA SALAM from NYT Obituaries http://ift.tt/2pfFcHn

Date That Provides a Hint


By DEB AMLEN from NYT Crosswords & Games http://ift.tt/2pf4tlc

Moscow to London: Let us examine nerve agent used in spy poisoning


Moscow to London: Let us examine nerve agent used in spy poisoningRussia will only respond to a British demand it provide answers about the nerve agent that poisoned former double agent Sergei Skripal if London lets Moscow analyze the substance, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday. British Prime Minister Theresa May said it was "highly likely" that Moscow was responsible for the poisoning in England of Skripal and his daughter using a military-grade nerve agent that was part of the Novichok group of nerve agents developed by the Soviet military.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2FN1OcC

High School Bus Crash Leaves Driver Dead and Dozens of Students Injured


High School Bus Crash Leaves Driver Dead and Dozens of Students InjuredThe bus was carrying Texas high school band members

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2FFlps5

School Resource Officer Accidentally Fires Gun at Virginia Middle School


School Resource Officer Accidentally Fires Gun at Virginia Middle SchoolA Virginia school superintendent says an incident Tuesday morning where a school resource officer accidentally fired his gun on campus strengthened her stance against arming teachers to prevent school shootings.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2FXzzrU

Prosecutors drop 27 cases worked on by police officer filmed attacking black man


Prosecutors drop 27 cases worked on by police officer filmed attacking black manProsecutors have dropped 27 criminal cases worked on by a white police officer who was filmed appearing to attack a black man during an arrest. US media reports said footage showed North Carolina officer Christopher Hickman choking and beating Johnnie Rush, who had been accused of jaywalking, and telling him he was “going to get f***ed up”. Mr Hickman, 31, was arrested and charged with assault by strangulation after the video emerged last week.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2IoUWkj

Charles Manson's Grandson Awarded Cult Leader's Body: 'I'm the Last Man Standing'


Charles Manson's Grandson Awarded Cult Leader's Body: 'I'm the Last Man Standing'The decision comes after a months-long court battle among several people who tried to claim the cult leader’s body.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2IoJBAF

Tillerson Firing Tells U.S. Allies That Russia Comes First


Tillerson Firing Tells U.S. Allies That Russia Comes FirstIt is a poor weatherman indeed who makes long-term forecasts in the middle of

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2DmnFCl

Review as plastic found in bottled water

The World Health Organization is to assess the potential risks of plastic in drinking water.

from BBC News - World http://ift.tt/2FJYifY

Manafort placed under house arrest; weight of evidence cited


Manafort placed under house arrest; weight of evidence citedRachel Maddow reports on a newly released court document in which former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is put under house arrest with the judge noting that Manafort could face the rest of his life in prison.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2Fy5orT

1 Typo Makes Sean Spicer's Rex Tillerson Tweet Unintentionally Truthful


1 Typo Makes Sean Spicer's Rex Tillerson Tweet Unintentionally TruthfulSean Spicer wanted to show support for ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2p5EXzx

The scientist who leaked Russia's Novichok 'conspiracy'


The scientist who leaked Russia's Novichok 'conspiracy'Dissident Soviet scientist Vil Mirzayanov gained notoriety in the 1990s when he blew the cover on Moscow's secret experimentation with Novichok, the nerve gas used in the poisoning of a Russian ex-spy in Britain. Mirzayanov had worked for almost three decades in the Soviet Union at the State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology. After he was fired in 1992, he and another scientist wrote a newspaper article revealing how the government had developed deadly chemical compounds known as Novichok -- or "newcomer" in English.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2pc1EBk

Ryan Zinke Spars With Senators Over Use Of Private Planes


Ryan Zinke Spars With Senators Over Use Of Private PlanesWASHINGTON -- Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke on Tuesday swung back at critics

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2Gtdj7a

NASA's tribute to Stephen Hawking will make you smile like he did in microgravity


NASA's tribute to Stephen Hawking will make you smile like he did in microgravityNASA paid tribute to cosmologist Stephen Hawking following his death early Wednesday morning. SEE ALSO: The world reacts to the death of the much-loved Stephen Hawking NASA shared a video on Twitter that Stephen Hawking recorded for astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station in 2014. Remembering Stephen Hawking, a renowned physicist and ambassador of science. His theories unlocked a universe of possibilities that we & the world are exploring. May you keep flying like superman in microgravity, as you said to astronauts on @Space_Station in 2014 pic.twitter.com/FeR4fd2zZ5 — NASA (@NASA) March 14, 2018 In his message Hawking talks about experiencing microgravity, i.e. weightlessness. "For me, this was true freedom," said Hawking. "People who know me well say that my smile was the biggest they'd ever seen. I was superman for those few minutes. "I can only imagine what it's like for you, Rick and Koichi, to fly like Superman for six months." WATCH: How did this baby octopus suddenly change color?

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2FKbKQL

Would a Russian veto at the UN trigger US strikes on Syria?


Would a Russian veto at the UN trigger US strikes on Syria?A two-pronged US push for action on Syria at the UN Security Council could prompt Russia to again use its veto, a move some diplomats see as a possible trigger for American strikes in Syria. Russia has used its veto power 11 times to block action against its Syrian ally, shielding President Bashar al-Assad's government from sanctions, war crimes investigations and an inquiry into chemical weapons attacks. Speculation about a 12th Russian veto on Syria is again rife after the United States on Monday put forward a draft resolution on a 30-day ceasefire in Eastern Ghouta and Damascus.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2IlrU53

Trump fires Tillerson, taps CIA chief Pompeo for state


Trump fires Tillerson, taps CIA chief Pompeo for statePresident Trump announced early Tuesday morning that he was dismissing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and replacing him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo. Trump plans to name Gina Haspel, the current deputy director of the CIA, to replace Pompeo.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2DnvMic

'He couldn't breathe:' Family speaks out after dog dies on United flight to New York City


'He couldn't breathe:' Family speaks out after dog dies on United flight to New York CityEleven-year-old Sophia Ceballos and mom Catalina Robledo say they were forced to put their French bulldog Kokito in the overhead compartment. Three hours later, they made the heartbreaking discovery.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2pd8aaU

Jeremy Corbyn accused of being an 'apologist' for Kremlin as his MPs turn on him over claims British intelligence is 'problematic'


Jeremy Corbyn accused of being an 'apologist' for Kremlin as his MPs turn on him over claims British intelligence is 'problematic'Jeremy Corbyn was yesterday accused of being an "apologist for Russia" after suggesting Moscow may not be responsible for a nerve agent attack, as furious Labour MPs turned on him in the House of Commons.  The Labour leader and his spokesman Seumas Milne repeatedly failed to accept that Russia is responsible for the attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter and later called British intelligence "problematic", warning another state could be to blame.  Labour MPs called for Mr Milne's resignation last night with one branding his behaviour "deplorable", while a shadow minister warned his comments showed a "complete lack of understanding of the mood of Parliament and the British people".  The remarks prompted John Woodcock, the Labour chair of the backbench defence committee, and a group of his parliamentary colleagues, to table a formal motion throwing his support behind the Prime Minister in defiance of their leader.  Corbyn or the Russian Embassy | Who said what Mr Milne, who once traveled to Russia on a trip paid for by the Kremlin, was criticised by the Prime Minister after he said the record of British intelligence services was "problematic" following the Iraq war.  A furious Theresa May told MPs it was "shocking" and "outrageous" of Mr Corbyn's most senior aide to claim Russia may have been framed after the nerve agent fell into "random hands", while the defence secretary Gavin Williamson told this newspaper the remarks were "utterly deluded".  Security sources also reacted with anger, claiming Mr Milne would rather trust the Russian FSB than British MI6. Russian spy poisoning | Read more It came after Mrs May expelled 23 Russian diplomats and left MPs in no doubt of Russia's responsibility for the attack, which left Mr Skripal and his daughter in a critical state in hospital.  But speaking in the House of Commons Mr Corbyn, who was heavily criticised for failing to condemn Russia in his address on Monday, appeared to repeat demands made by the Russian Embassy on Twitter.  He asked Mrs May how she had responded to the Russian state's request for samples of the nerve agent used in the attack, just 24 hours after Moscow said it would not respond until it had been sent evidence of the toxin used.  And he drew cries of "disgrace" and "shame" as spoke of cuts to Britain's diplomatic service around the world. The Labour leader was forced to watch as his own MPs rounded on him publicly, offering their support for the Prime Minister and denouncing his failure to take a tough stand on Russian aggression.  He is understood to have been given a full security briefing under Privy Council terms before making the statement, suggesting he would have been shown the evidence presented by British security experts.  Conservative MP Mark Francois branded him "a CND badge-wearing apologist for the Russian state". In a briefing after the statement Mr Milne, who speaks for Mr Corbyn, told reporters that Labour does not believe there is enough evidence yet to blame the Russian state for the attack. Despite being given security briefings on the incident, the spokesman said: "The Government has access to information and intelligence on this matter which others don't. "However, also there is a history in relation to weapons of mass destruction and intelligence which is problematic, to put it mildly." Pressed on whether Moscow was being framed, he said the "overwhelming" evidence pointed to either the Russian state being responsible of losing control of the agent. Today @jeremycorbyn faced a simple test: would he condemn the Russian government for launching a chemical weapons attack on the UK, and back the actions of the British government? His failure to do so reveals where his loyalties lie.— Nick Boles MP (@NickBoles) March 14, 2018 But indicating another state could be involved he added: "If the material is from the Soviet period, the break up of the Soviet state led to all sorts of military material ending up in random hands." Labour MP Anna Turley later tweeted: "I'm afraid Seumas [Milne] doesn't speak for my Labour or British values." His words appear to echo the statement made by Russian MP Vitaly Milonov earlier this week when he said: "This poison is 50 years old. It’s not modern stuff. You can create this poison from any laboratory in Ukraine or other fake countries that are happy to help you.  "I think this is something to deal with in theatre or a James Bond movie.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2HxN2ni

Former biotech star charged with fraud over blood-testing claims


Former biotech star charged with fraud over blood-testing claimsHolmes and Theranos made a deal to settle the case against them, with the penalty including her surrendering majority voting control of the company, according to a statement by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Founded in 2003 by Holmes when she was only 19, the company had been seen as a rising star but came under scrutiny after The Wall Street Journal published articles questioning the reliability of its technology. Theranos, which had touted a new way of testing that uses far less blood and delivers faster results at much lower cost than traditional methods in US labs, had been under civil and criminal investigation over its claims.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2tSCddG

Missing Georgia teenager's remains found in shallow grave


Missing Georgia teenager's remains found in shallow graveAUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — The remains of a missing Georgia teenager have been discovered in a shallow grave, nearly one year after her mother and stepfather were arrested in connection with her disappearance, authorities said.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2FOMYCB

Trump CIA pick Gina Haspel helped lead U.S. torture program


Trump CIA pick Gina Haspel helped lead U.S. torture programHaspel ran a secret prison in Thailand, the agency’s first overseas detention site, where accused terrorists were waterboarded. She later drafted the order to have videotapes of the torture destroyed.

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Hillary Clinton Says Trump Appealed To Racist, Sexist Voters


Hillary Clinton Says Trump Appealed To Racist, Sexist VotersHillary Clinton provoked ridicule and censure for tone-deaf comments at a

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UK counterterror police investigate Russian's London death


UK counterterror police investigate Russian's London deathLONDON (AP) — British counterterrorism police on Tuesday took charge of the investigation into the death in London of a Russian businessman because he was connected to a prominent Kremlin foe.

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Nobel prize winner hospitalized, wife found deceased in Illinois


Nobel prize winner hospitalized, wife found deceased in Illinois(Reuters) - A Japanese Nobel-winning chemist was discovered wandering in rural Northern Illinois and his wife found dead nearby, some nine hours after they had been reported missing from their home 200 miles away, police said on Wednesday. Nobel Prize winner Ei-ichi Negishi, 82, was transported to a local hospital for treatment after he was spotted walking near Rockford, Illinois, at 5 a.m. on Tuesday, the Ogle County Sheriff's Department officials said in a written statement. Deputies later found the couple's car and the body of his wife, Sumire Negishi, at the nearby Ochard Hills Landfill, the sheriff's department said.

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Parents Of 12-Year-Old Say Son Killed Himself After Being Bullied Over Sexuality


Parents Of 12-Year-Old Say Son Killed Himself After Being Bullied Over SexualityThe parents of a 12-year-old Mississippi boy say he killed himself last week

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ALS: The disease that Stephen Hawking defied for decades


ALS: The disease that Stephen Hawking defied for decadesBritish physicist Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous sufferers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the fatal neurological disease that paralysed his body but did nothing to curb his contribution to science. The rare condition normally claims the lives of those who have it within two to three years of diagnosis, making Hawking's five-decade fight to overcome the disease an extraordinary exception. The neurodegenerative condition attacks the motor nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, hampering their ability to communicate with muscles and control voluntary movements, leading to eventual paralysis.

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Charlottesville car attack witness sues Alex Jones, others


Charlottesville car attack witness sues Alex Jones, othersRICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A former State Department official who became the target of harassment after posting a video showing the car attack during a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville sued right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and others Tuesday.

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The Owners of a Dog Who Died on a United Flight Are Devastated


The Owners of a Dog Who Died on a United Flight Are DevastatedUnited Airlines called the incident a "tragic accident"

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Fired by Trump over Twitter, Tillerson doesn't thank him


Fired by Trump over Twitter, Tillerson doesn't thank himHours after President Trump announced his firing over Twitter, outgoing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday left the former real estate entrepreneur off the list of people he praised and thanked in a brief speech about his accomplishments and the future of his department. Tillerson, looking and sounding defeated as he delivered an eight-minute farewell, said he was delegating his duties to Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan, effective at the end of the day, and formally ending his own watch as the top U.S. diplomat at the end of the month. The former Exxon chief told reporters in the State Department briefing room that Trump had telephoned him from Air Force One a little after noon — some five hours after the president announced to the world that Tillerson was out, to be replaced by CIA director Mike Pompeo.

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Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Charged With 'Massive Fraud' By SEC


Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Charged With 'Massive Fraud' By SECIn a complaint filed Wednesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission leveled

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California teacher injures three pupils by accidentally firing gun in classroom


California teacher injures three pupils by accidentally firing gun in classroomPolice were called to Seaside High School on Tuesday after Dennis Alexander, who was leading a class on gun safety, fired a semi-automatic weapon at the ceiling, local press reported. The incident comes amid fierce debate about gun regulation following a shooting at a Florida High School in which 17 people were killed. Survivors of the massacre have pressed for stricter gun control measures, but Donald Trump has suggested arming teachers.

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UK expelling 23 Russian diplomats after poisoning of ex-spy in England


UK expelling 23 Russian diplomats after poisoning of ex-spy in EnglandBritain is expelling 23 Russian diplomats after the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy - the single biggest such expulsion since the Cold War.

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Russian broadcaster RT could be forced off UK TV over spy crisis


Russian broadcaster RT could be forced off UK TV over spy crisisBritain's media regulator Ofcom said Russian broadcaster RT could lose its UK license if Theresa May's government determines that Moscow was behind the poisoning of a former Russian double agent in England this month. RT, or Russia Today, is a round-the-clock news network that is funded by Vladimir Putin's government. With tensions growing between London and Moscow over the attack on Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, some lawmakers have said RT should be blocked in Britain.

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Man Dressed As Elsa From 'Frozen' Pushes Police Wagon Out Of Snow


Man Dressed As Elsa From 'Frozen' Pushes Police Wagon Out Of SnowThe police needed help and Jason Triplett wouldn't let it go.

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Charles Manson's Grandson Awarded Cult Leader's Body: 'I'm the Last Man Standing'


Charles Manson's Grandson Awarded Cult Leader's Body: 'I'm the Last Man Standing'The decision comes after a months-long court battle among several people who tried to claim the cult leader’s body.

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The Latest: Envoy denies Russia was behind attack on ex-spy


The Latest: Envoy denies Russia was behind attack on ex-spyLONDON (AP) — The latest on the poisoning of a former Russian spy in England (all times local):

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Famed Physicist Stephen Hawking Has Died at the Age of 76


Famed Physicist Stephen Hawking Has Died at the Age of 76The renowned scientist and author of the bestselling "A Brief History of Time" has died, his family confirmed. Hawking was 76

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Students across U.S. stage national walkout month after Parkland massacre


Students across U.S. stage national walkout month after Parkland massacreStudents and teachers at more than 2,000 schools across the country staged a national walkout to call for an end to gun violence on Wednesday, one month after 17 people were killed in a mass shooting a Florida high school.

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Companies Are Disclosing How Much Less They Pay Workers Than Executives


Companies Are Disclosing How Much Less They Pay Workers Than ExecutivesWASHINGTON ― A moment that corporate executives may have dreaded for years has

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Oregon Gov.: Ryan Zinke Conceded There’s No Money In Drilling Off Our Coast


Oregon Gov.: Ryan Zinke Conceded There’s No Money In Drilling Off Our CoastWASHINGTON ― Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke infuriated governors of coastal

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Google guru Page tests flying taxis in New Zealand


Google guru Page tests flying taxis in New ZealandPilot-less flying taxis are being tested in New Zealand as part of a project backed by Google co-founder Larry Page that supporters say will revolutionise personal transport. New Zealand regulators late Tuesday approved plans for Zephyr Airworks, a subsidiary of Page's company Kitty Hawk, to develop and test the futuristic air taxis. Known as Cora, the electric aircraft has a dozen small lift rotors on its wings, making it capable of vertical take-off and landing like a helicopter.

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White nationalist leader faces battery charges in Indiana


White nationalist leader faces battery charges in IndianaPAOLI, Ind. (AP) — A white nationalist arrested for physically harassing a woman protesting at a 2016 Donald Trump rally is accused of attacking his wife and her stepfather in southern Indiana.

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Britain expels 23 Russian diplomats over nerve attack on ex-spy


Britain expels 23 Russian diplomats over nerve attack on ex-spyBy Estelle Shirbon and Costas Pitas LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is to kick out 23 Russian diplomats, the biggest such expulsion since the Cold War, over a chemical attack on a former Russian double agent in England that Prime Minister Theresa May blamed on Moscow, an assessment backed by the United States. May pointed the finger firmly at Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday as she outlined retaliatory measures in parliament. Russia denies any involvement in the attack on ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, who have been critical in hospital since they were found unconscious on March 4 on a bench in the city of Salisbury.

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Democrats Projected To Win Pennsylvania District That Went Heavily For Trump


Democrats Projected To Win Pennsylvania District That Went Heavily For TrumpELIZABETH TOWNSHIP, Pa. ― Democrat Conor Lamb defeated Republican Rick Saccone

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Timothy Cunningham Case: CDC Scientist Missing More Than a Month as Reward Reaches Nearly $40,000


Timothy Cunningham Case: CDC Scientist Missing More Than a Month as Reward Reaches Nearly $40,000Dr. Timothy Cunningham, an epidemiologist based in Atlanta, Ga., was last seen on Feb. 12 when he left work early, saying he wasn’t feeling well.

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