جمعرات، 29 مارچ، 2018

Supreme Court To Take Hard Look At Partisan Gerrymander, This Time By Democrats


Supreme Court To Take Hard Look At Partisan Gerrymander, This Time By DemocratsWhen it came time for Maryland lawmakers to redraw the state's congressional

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VIDEO: Burglar says prayer before throwing brick through Brooklyn store window


VIDEO: Burglar says prayer before throwing brick through Brooklyn store windowSurveillance video showed the man removing his hat before making the sign of the cross. Then, he grabbed a large brick and smashed a display window.

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Vladimir Putin faces rare public protests as he blames 'criminal negligence' for deadly mall fire


Vladimir Putin faces rare public protests as he blames 'criminal negligence' for deadly mall fireRare displays of public anger were directed at Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday following a fire over the weekend that killed dozens of children in a Siberian shopping centre.  The outpouring of emotion since Sunday's inferno has been stoked by revelations about breaches of safety regulations, including locked fire exits and a faulty alarm system. Russian media have reported that 41 of the 64 dead were children. Two employees of the Zimnaya Vishnya shopping centre in Kemerovo appeared in court to face charges of negligence and compromising security systems on Tuesday afternoon. Nadezhda Suddenok, the manager of the shopping centre, and Alexander Nikitin, the employee responsible for the building's fire fighting and alarm systems, appeared at a hearing in the Siberian city's Zavodsky District Court on Tuesday afternoon.  Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to locals and relatives of the victims Credit: Alexei Druzhinin They are among five people who have been detained in connection with failings that led to the tragedy, Alexander Batrykin, the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, said.  In comments carried on national television, Mr Bastrykin told Mr Putin on Tuesday that the building's fire alarm system had been out of order since March 19 and that a guard had not turned on the public address system to tell people to evacuated.  Earlier in the day Mr Putin made an attempt to respond to the outrage by visiting some of the victims and the site of the burnt-out shopping centre in the city of Kemerovo. He vowed to punish those guilty of what he said was “criminal negligence.”  "This isn't war, it's not an unexpected methane explosion at a coal mine. People came to relax, children. We're talking about demography and losing so many people," Mr Putin said in a televised meeting with local officials.  Relatives held up pictures of children who had perished in the fire Credit:  TASS/Barcroft Images  "The first emotion when hearing about the number of dead and dead children is not to cry but to wail. And when you listen to what has been said here, speaking honestly, other emotions arise." Official pictures of Mr Putin’s highly-choreographed visit contrasted with the raw anger on display at an impromptu rally in the city centre where people carried photographs, in black frames, of children who were killed in the fire.  There were placards asking: “How many really died?", "Who's really guilty?" and "How much do your closed eyes cost?" At least one sign demanded that Putin and local officials resign, and chants of “resign, resign, resign” were heard from the crowd.  An aerial view shows the roof of the shopping centre had collpased Credit: Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations/AP Igor Vostrikov, a father of three whose children, wife and sister died in the blaze was involved in an angry exchange with the region’s deputy governor, Sergei Tsivilyov, who got down on his knees in an attempt to quieten the crowd.  Many of those present said they believed the number of victims to be much higher than officially acknowledged. The authorities appeared to do everything they could to try and minimize the impact of the furious crowds. At one point hundreds of riot police were deployed to stop people from storming a local government building. Thousands turned out for the impromptu protests Credit: Sergei Gavrilenko/ AP While Putin’s visit was reported in detail by state-owned television, there was little coverage of protests.  Aman Tuleev, the governor of Kemerovo Region, told the Russian president in a televised meeting that those demonstrating were “speculating on the grief of strangers.”  Shrines of flowers and candles have sprung up in cities across Russia in memory of those killed during what was Russia's deadliest fire in a decade.  Vladimir Putin visits victims of the shopping centre blaze at a hospital in Kemerovo Credit: Alexei Druzhinin /TASS/Getty The Kremlin has declared Wednesday an official day of mourning.  Several Russian cities held rallies of mourning on Tuesday evening as anger and grief swept the country.  In Moscow, several thousand people gathered in silence to lay flowers and light candles at an improvised memorial on Pushkin Square, not far from the Kremlin.  A chant of "Fire Putin" was briefly taken up by some members of the meeting, but petered out. 

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The Latest: French boo far-right Le Pen at memorial march


The Latest: French boo far-right Le Pen at memorial marchPARIS (AP) — The Latest on anti-Semitism in France (all times local):

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

DOJ Inspector General investigates alleged FISA abuses by DOJ, FBI

03/28/18 3:26 PM

ملالہ یوسف زئی کی ساڑھے پانچ برس بعد پاکستان آمد

نوبیل انعام یافتہ پاکستانی طالبہ ملالہ یوسف زئی ساڑھے پانچ برس بعد وطن واپس آئی ہیں اور انھوں نے جمعرات کی صبح وزیراعظم شاہد خاقان عباسی سے ملاقات کی ہے۔

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’ملالہ لوگ تم سے نہیں خود سے نفرت کرتے ہیں‘

ملالہ یوسفزئی کی پاکستان واپسی کا خیرمقدم کرنے والوں کی کمی نہیں اور پاکستانی سوشل میڈیا پر ان کا نام اور اس سے متعلقہ موضوعات ٹرینڈ کر رہے ہیں۔۔

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چین کے ’کامیاب‘ دورے کے بعد ٹرمپ کم جونگ ان سے ملاقات کے منتظر

امریکی صدر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ نے کہا ہے کہ یہ جاننے کے بعد کہ شمالی کوریا کے سربراہ کم جونگ ان کا دورۂ چین ’بہت اچھا رہا‘ وہ بھی ان سے ملنا چاہتے ہیں۔

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سرحدی علاقے ’کتے کی قبر‘ پر سندھ اور بلوچستان میں تنازع

پاکستان کے صوبہ بلوچستان اور صوبہ سندھ کے سرحدی علاقے ’کتے کی قبر' کی ملکیت پر دونوں صوبوں میں تنازع کھڑا ہو گیا ہے۔

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'باجوہ ڈاکٹرائین صرف سکیورٹی کے تناظر میں تھا ‘

پاکستان فوج کے ترجمان کا کہنا ہے کہ چند روز قبل آرمی چیف کی صحافیوں سے ہونے والی ملاقات کے بعد سامنے آنے والے 'باجوہ ڈاکٹرائین' کو صرف اور صرف سکیورٹی کے تناظر میں دیکھا جائے کیونکہ اس کا بنیادی مقصد پاکستان کو امن کی طرف لے جانا ہے۔

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فاروق ستار کو کنوینر شپ سے ہٹانے کا فیصلہ معطل

اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ نے متحدہ قومی موومنٹ پاکستان کے رہنما ڈاکٹر فاروق ستار کو الیکشن کمیشن کی جانب سے کنوینر شپ کے عہدے سے ہٹائے جانے کے فیصلے کو معطل کرتے ہوئے فریقین کو نوٹس جاری کر دیے۔

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کش لیتی ہتھنی نے ماہرین کو شش و پنج میں مبتلا کر دیا

انڈیا میں دھواں اڑاتی ایک ہتھنی کے ویڈیو کلپ نے حیاتیات کے ماہرین کو شش و پنج میں مبتلا کر دیا ہے۔

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چین میں کم جونگ ان کی مصروفیات تصاویر میں

کئی روز کی افواہوں کے بعد اب باضابطہ طور پر تصدیق کر دی گئی ہے کہ شمالی کوریا کے سربراہ کم جونگ ان نے چین کا دورہ کیا اور اعلیٰ حکام سے ملاقاتیں کیں۔

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انسداد تشدد مرکز برائے خواتین: خیبر پختوخوا کا پنجاب حکومت سے مدد لینے کا فیصلہ

پاکستان کے صوبے خیبر پختونخوا کی حکومت نے خواتین کے خلاف تشدد کے واقعات کو روکنے کے لیے انسدادِ تشدد کے جدید مراکز کے قیام میں پنجاب حکومت سے مدد لینے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔

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میمو گیٹ:حسین حقانی کو ایک ماہ میں واپس لانے کا حکم

سپریم کورٹ نے میمو گیٹ سکینڈل میں حکومت کو حکم دیا ہے کہ امریکہ میں مقیم سابق سفیر حسین حقانی کو ایک ماہ میں واپس لایا جائے۔

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بال ٹیمپرنگ ہوتی کیسے ہے؟

بال ٹیمپرنگ کا معاملہ گذشتہ چند دن سے کرکٹ کی دنیا میں ایک مرتبہ پھر زیرِ بحث ہے۔ گیند سے اس چھیڑچھاڑ یا بال ٹیمپرنگ کا فائدہ کیا ہوتا ہے۔ جانیے کرکٹ کے ماہر سائمن ہیوز کی زبانی۔

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ملالہ یوسفزئی کی اسلام آباد آمد

امن کا نوبیل انعام حاصل کرنے والی دنیا کی کم عمر ترین شخصیت ملالہ یوسف زئی ساڑھے پانچ برس بعد اپنے آبائی وطن پاکستان پہنچی ہیں۔

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پشاور بس منصوبہ، عوام کے ناک میں دم

عدم منصوبہ بندی کے باعث عوام کو آمد و رفت میں شدید مشکلات کا سامنا ہے

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بالی وڈ میں کام کرنا کبھی میرا مقصد نہیں رہا: ماہرہ خان

پاکستان کی مایہ ناز اداکارہ ماہرہ خان نے بی بی سی کے پروگرام ہارڈ ٹاک میں اپنے بارے میں بننے والے سکینڈلز کے متعلق بات کی۔

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North and South Korea Set a Date for Summit Meeting at Border


By CHOE SANG-HUN from NYT World https://ift.tt/2E2r8GE

Malala Returns to Pakistan for First Time Since Attack 6 Years Ago


By SALMAN MASOOD from NYT World https://ift.tt/2pMwe5o

In Munich and Stuttgart, Directors Give the Classics a Twist


By A.J. GOLDMANN from NYT Theater https://ift.tt/2GntXE0

The Last Great Clothing Store


By STEVEN KURUTZ from NYT Style https://ift.tt/2J4p6JF

Karl-Anthony Towns Dethrones Timberwolves Scoring King: Mo Williams


By BENJAMIN HOFFMAN from NYT Sports https://ift.tt/2GnyB5i

Aaron Boone Has No Coaching Experience? Don’t Tell That to His Flag Football Team


By BILLY WITZ from NYT Sports https://ift.tt/2GSr92P

5 Cheap(ish) Things to Help You Become a Better Baker


By MICHAEL GOLD from NYT Smarter Living https://ift.tt/2GkRshk

The Wrong Way for Germany to Debate Islam


By JOCHEN BITTNER from NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/2pNS0Fc

Ferris Wheel


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By THE LEARNING NETWORK from NYT The Learning Network https://ift.tt/2GSmj5I

Anbang Was Seized by China. Now, It Has a Deal for You.


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North Korea, Donald Trump, Kitsch: Your Thursday Briefing


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What’s on TV Thursday: ‘Siren’ and ‘Atlanta’


By ANDREW R. CHOW from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/2uqJf9E

Venezuela Jail Fire Killed at Least 68, Attorney General Says


By ANA VANESSA HERRERO from NYT World https://ift.tt/2E6TAHC

Trump Rings Up Roseanne Barr After Her Show Is a Ratings Winner



Corrections: March 29, 2018


By Unknown Author from NYT Corrections https://ift.tt/2GlnDx1

David J. Shulkin: Privatizing the V.A. Will Hurt Veterans


By DAVID J. SHULKIN from NYT Opinion https://ift.tt/2IfOBXA

Yu Gwan-sun, a Korean Independence Activist Who Defied Japanese Rule


By INYOUNG KANG from NYT Obituaries https://ift.tt/2J3Z3Cr

Summer Camp Craft


By DEB AMLEN from NYT Crosswords & Games https://ift.tt/2E3OLhY

‘The Americans’ Season 6, Episode 1 Recap: The Coldest War


By MIKE HALE from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/2GjG5u8

Republicans May Shoot Themselves In The Foot By Putting Citizenship In The Census


Republicans May Shoot Themselves In The Foot By Putting Citizenship In The CensusWASHINGTON ― Democrats and voting rights advocates are alarmed by the Trump

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Mother arrested after baby and toddler found dead in their car seats


Mother arrested after baby and toddler found dead in their car seatsAn Arizona mother is facing possible murder charges after her two young

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Highway Patrol Trooper Forgives Driver Whose Car Slung Him Like A Doll


Highway Patrol Trooper Forgives Driver Whose Car Slung Him Like A DollA Utah state trooper who stopped on a snowy highway to help a disabled

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Baker: Nobody wants a nuclear North Korea


Baker: Nobody wants a nuclear North KoreaFormer Secretary of State James Baker comments on the relationship that exists between China and North Korea. He also comments on what the meeting between the countries two leaders might have been about

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Woman wins lottery after buying first ever ticket to mark 18th birthday


Woman wins lottery after buying first ever ticket to mark 18th birthdayA Canadian teenager has hit the jackpot after buying her first ever lottery ticket to celebrate her 18th birthday. Charlie Lagarde, who is from Quebec, purchased the scratch ticket alongside a bottle of champagne to celebrate turning 18 on 14 March. Ms Lagarde has said she is keen to use the money to travel and to invest in her education.

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Malala makes first trip to Pakistan since Taliban attack


Malala makes first trip to Pakistan since Taliban attackNobel peace laureate Malala Yousafzai returned to Pakistan on Thursday, officials said, in her first visit since she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman six years ago for advocating education for girls. The 20-year-old's unannounced arrival with her parents under tight security at Islamabad's international airport overnight has been met with a tsunami of social media reaction, with many Pakistanis hailing her bravery but others accusing her of a conspiracy to foment dissent. Malala is widely respected internationally for her activism, but opinion is divided in Pakistan where some conservatives view her as a Western agent on a mission to shame her country.

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Authorities Suggest Park Employees Rushed Construction of Verruckt Water Slide to Impress Reality TV Producers


Authorities Suggest Park Employees Rushed Construction of Verruckt Water Slide to Impress Reality TV ProducersTwo officials at the Schlitterbahn water park in Kansas have been arrested in connection to a 10-year-old boy's death on the Verruckt water slide.

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White House Hires Former Disney Channel Star As Press Assistant


White House Hires Former Disney Channel Star As Press AssistantPresident Donald Trump's TV star-run administration has hired former Disney

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Body found in shallow California grave ID'd as missing model


Body found in shallow California grave ID'd as missing modelLOS ANGELES (AP) — A body found in a shallow grave in Northern California was identified Wednesday as an aspiring model and actress from Macedonia who had been missing from Los Angeles for more than a month, authorities said.

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Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Calls For Second Amendment Repeal


Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Calls For Second Amendment RepealCalling it "a relic of the 18th century," retired Supreme Court Justice John

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‘Time to join the NRA.’ Calls to repeal the Second Amendment set off commenters


‘Time to join the NRA.’ Calls to repeal the Second Amendment set off commenters“Everyone has an opinion, thankfully we have the constitution.” “I can think of fewer things that would create a state of open rebellion in the United States.” Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens’s call for a repeal of the Second Amendment has Newsroom readers up in arms. In a New York Times op-ed piece, Stevens said March for Our Lives protesters asking for gun law reform should ask for more: “They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.” The vast majority of the thousands of Newsroom comments on the Yahoo News report show strong opposition: “I have never owned a gun in my life, but fully understand the importance of the Second Amendment.” President Trump, meanwhile, completely dismissed Stevens’s call to repeal, tweeting, “The Second Amendment will never be repealed!” The Second Amendment says: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Stevens called for the repeal in order to weaken the National Rifle Association. The NRA answered back with its own statement: “We will unapologetically continue to fight to protect this fundamental freedom.” What do you think? Join the conversation in Newsroom.

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At Least A Dozen States Plan To Sue Over New Census Citizenship Question


At Least A Dozen States Plan To Sue Over New Census Citizenship QuestionAt least 12 states have responded with a wave of fury and legal action this

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China and Russia accused of waging 'war on human rights' at UN


China and Russia accused of waging 'war on human rights' at UNThe UN Human Rights Up Front initiative was established in 2014, after a series of UN failures in preventing or sounding the alarm over atrocities. China and Russia are leading a stealthy and increasingly successful effort at the United Nations to weaken UN efforts to protect human rights around the world, according to diplomats and activists. The two countries have used the UN budget panel, known as the fifth committee, to cut funding for human rights monitors and for a senior post in the secretary general’s office which is supposed to ensure that human rights – one of three pillars of the UN’s function – are not forgotten in its day-to-day work.

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Leaked EPA email tells staff to play up climate denial, ignore actual data


Leaked EPA email tells staff to play up climate denial, ignore actual dataIt's no secret that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt disagrees with the overwhelming evidence tying human emissions of greenhouse gases to increasing global average temperatures, sea level rise, and a host of other problems for humanity.  He has, after all, moved to scuttle the Obama administration's regulations that would limit such emissions from power plants, ordered the EPA's climate change websites to go dark, and advocated for a televised debate on climate science, among other actions.  Now comes word that on Tuesday, EPA officials distributed talking points about climate science to its top public affairs staff throughout the country, providing eight talking points about the agency's work on helping America adapt to a warming planet.  SEE ALSO: In court, oil company admits reality of human-caused global warming, denies guilt The talking points, first reported by the HuffPost, are contradicted by both the agency's previous climate science website as well as a federal climate report that EPA scientists contributed to.  The email including the new talking points was sent on behalf of Joel D. Scheraga, the agency's senior advisor for climate adaptation — a program that, ironically, Pruitt has sought to eliminate.  I think it’s only fair that if climate scientists have to explain AGAIN why we’re warming the planet, physicists should have to explain how come stuff falls down https://t.co/CNxwYz60gb — Kate Marvel (@DrKateMarvel) March 28, 2018 According to the email in the HuffPost report, which the EPA confirmed to them as authentic, two of the bullet points outright contradict and distort the findings of mainstream climate scientists, saying:  "Human activity impacts our changing climate in some manner. The ability to measure with precision the degree and extent of that impact, and what to do about it, are subject to continuing debate and dialogue." "While there has been extensive research and a host of published reports on climate change, clear gaps remain including our understanding of the role of human activity and what we can do about it." A federal report published in November, known as the Climate Change Special Report, states clearly and unequivocally that the burning of fossil fuels for energy and other human activities cause global warming.   The report — which is the most which is the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to climate science findings — states (original emphasis included): (In the language of the report, "extremely likely" means a greater than 95 percent chance.) Global annual average radiative forcing change from 1750 to 2011 due to human activities.Image: NCA 4, CSSR. Presumably, these inaccurate EPA talking points will now be parroted by EPA public affairs officials when they deal with the media and the public, since the email was sent to communications directors and regional public affairs chiefs. That could, in effect, spread Pruitt's climate denial around the country under the guise  of a respected government agency. Pruitt has often said it's uncertain how much global warming is natural versus human-caused, a point included in the email that was leaked to the Huffington Post.  However, the November 2017 federal report specified the exact range of what the human contribution is, something that previous climate studies had not done.  It found that human activities have likely contributed between 92 percent and 123 percent of the observed temperature change from 1951 to 2010. (The contribution may be above 100 percent because, absent human activities, it's likely the climate would be cooling over time.) Earth’s average global temperature from 2013 to 2017, as compared to a baseline average from 1951 to 1980.Image: NASA/GSFC/Scientific Visualization Studio."The likely contributions of natural forcing and internal variability to global temperature change over that period are minor," the dozens of scientists who wrote that report concluded.  "This period is now the warmest in the history of modern civilization," the report found. The EPA's now archived climate change website was also unambiguous about what is causing global warming, stating that "humans are largely responsible for recent climate change." It also explains that global warming "... is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." For Pruitt, conceding the reality of human-caused global warming would necessitate pursuing a radically different policy agenda at the EPA. To date, Pruitt's approach has been to try to dismantle the EPA, particularly its work on climate change but also in other areas — the science be damned.  These bullet points mark the spread of his climate science denial beyond EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C., to the agency's offices around the country.  WATCH: 'Supercolony' of 1.5m penguins discovered in Antarctica  

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Two charged with anti-Semitic murder of elderly French Jewish woman


Two charged with anti-Semitic murder of elderly French Jewish womanFrench prosecutors have charged two people, one of them a neighbour, with the murder of an 85-year-old Jewish woman who was stabbed and whose body was then set alight in a crime being treated as anti-Semitic. Mireille Knoll, who escaped the mass roundup and deportation of Jews from Paris during World War II, was found dead in her bed in her small apartment in eastern Paris on Friday by firefighters called to extinguish a blaze. Two men are in custody on charges of murder as well as aggravated robbery and damaging property in a case investigators are treating as anti-Semitic.

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Trump eyes having the U.S. military pay for his border wall


Trump eyes having the U.S. military pay for his border wallPresident Trump has figured out who's going to pay for his wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. Hint: It's not Mexico.

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Man taken to New York airport for deportation slips away from ICE agents and escapes in taxi


Man taken to New York airport for deportation slips away from ICE agents and escapes in taxiA manhunt has been launched for a detainee scheduled for deportation from the US who managed to escape from officers and flee from New York’s John F Kennedy International Airport in a taxi. Law enforcement officials said CCTV footage showed the prisoner leaving the airport in a yellow taxi. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has been contacted for comment.

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Southern Baptist Leader Resigns Over 'Morally Inappropriate Relationship'


Southern Baptist Leader Resigns Over 'Morally Inappropriate Relationship'A leading figure in America's largest Protestant denomination has resigned

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'Roseanne' Reboot Snags More Viewers Than 1997 Season Finale


'Roseanne' Reboot Snags More Viewers Than 1997 Season Finale"Roseanne" is loud, proud and raking in the ratings.

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Ecuador cuts WikiLeaks founder Assange's internet at embassy


Ecuador cuts WikiLeaks founder Assange's internet at embassyQUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Ecuador's government said Wednesday it has cut off WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's internet connection at the nation's London embassy after his recent activity on social media decrying the arrest of a Catalan separatist politician.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2GkECne

Alabama settles with inmate after botched execution attempt


Alabama settles with inmate after botched execution attemptThe agreement was reached in a civil lawsuit brought by convicted murderer Doyle Hamm against the state, court papers filed on Monday showed. Officials from the Alabama Department of Corrections and the attorney general's office have not responded to numerous requests to discuss the case. The botched execution prompted a federal court review of Alabama's death chamber protocols.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2I89UtU

Woman Arrested After Raunchy Come-On To Easter Bunny


Woman Arrested After Raunchy Come-On To Easter BunnyTrying to make out with the Easter Bunny isn't egg-zactly appropriate behavior

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Pentagon confirms Qaeda higher-up killed in Libya strike


Pentagon confirms Qaeda higher-up killed in Libya strikeA senior Al-Qaeda operative and another jihadist were killed in a US air strike in Libya, the Pentagon confirmed Wednesday. The March 24 strike near Ubari in southern Libya killed "two Al-Qaeda terrorists, including Musa Abu Dawud, a high-ranking Al-Qaeda in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) official," the US military's Africa Command said in a statement.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2pSQwur

Parkland student protesters become right-wing targets


Parkland student protesters become right-wing targetsFrom inflammatory Photoshopped images to insults from legislators to far-right conspiracy theories, the teens are being smeared for their gun-control activism.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2pMoMYl

Volkswagen Atlas Cross Sport Concept: Five for Fighting


Volkswagen Atlas Cross Sport Concept: Five for FightingA smaller, sportier Atlas.

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Political tensions cloud tribute to slain Holocaust survivor


Political tensions cloud tribute to slain Holocaust survivorPARIS (AP) — The silent decorum of a march to honor an 85-year-old woman who survived Nazi horrors only to be stabbed to death last week in an alleged anti-Semitic attack was shattered Wednesday, with crowds shouting "Nazi! Nazi!" and other insults at France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen.

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

'Violent deportee' ID'd after escaping ICE custody at JFK Airport

03/28/18 11:42 AM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Suspicious package in mail facility in D.C. likely linked to man in custody

03/28/18 11:35 AM

Malala Yousafzai returns to Pakistan for first time since shooting

The Nobel Peace Prize winner was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for campaigning for girls' education.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GkTi1J

Venezuela fire: 68 die in Carabobo police station cells

The blaze swept the facility in Valencia, Carabobo state, during a reported breakout attempt.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2pPLBJA

Trump picks his doctor to replace Shulkin as veterans secretary

Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, the White House doctor, is nominated to replace David Shulkin.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2Gi1Mqa

Mireille Knoll: Crowds jeer French far-right, far-left leaders after 'anti-Semitic' murder

Leaders of both the far right and left turned up for a march against anti-Semitic violence in Paris.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2up5dty

'I felt dead', kidnap survivor Amanda Lindhout tells court

Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout speaks at the sentencing hearing of one of her Somali kidnappers.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2pSFvZh

Miguna Miguna : Kenya opposition figure deported again

Miguna Miguna had been held at Nairobi airport since Monday amid an ongoing citizenship row.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GkPb5u

Trump loses bid to dismiss hotel lawsuit

A judge allows a case to determine if the president is improperly profiting from business operations.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2Gh5iW3

NFL cheerleader claims she was fired over Instagram photo

Bailey Davis is accusing the New Orleans Saints football team of gender discrimination.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2pOOqKT

Poland signs $4.75bn deal to buy US Patriot missiles

The largest weapons contract in Poland's history is likely to trigger strong criticism from Russia.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2Gk6K5V

Julian Assange has internet cut at Ecuadorian embassy in London

Ecuador says the move is to prevent the WikiLeaks founder from interfering in other countries' affairs.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GiFSqP

Houston officer kills unarmed man walking with trousers down

Video shows Danny Ray Thomas, 34, walking towards police before he is shot once in the chest.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2J457ef

Ireland's abortion referendum to be held on 25 May

Ireland's referendum on amending its abortion laws will be held on 25 May.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2uvL2KN

Former Disney actor, 22, joins White House

Caroline Sunshine, who starred in the Shake It Up TV series, will work in Mr Trump's press office.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GfW1te

Inxeba wins South Africa film award despite ban attempt

Traditional leaders were furious at the film's portrayal of gay love within a Xhosa cultural initiation.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GitLtS

Spain police recover artefacts looted by IS in Libya

Two people are arrested accused of buying and selling the ancient objects looted from Libya.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GfwRz0

Paris ceremony for police officer Arnaud Beltrame

Lt Col Arnaud Beltrame, 44, offered himself in exchange for a hostage in an Islamist attack.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2E1hq7p

Aziza Oubaita on the fight of her life

This 46-year-old French flyweight boxer has successfully recovered from a heart transplant.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GhsCmB

Carnival Cruise offers teen free trip for Snapchat handle

The cruise line showed up at a Virginia teenager's door to bid on his Snapchat handle, @CarnivalCruise.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2GU1I10