پیر، 26 مارچ، 2018

روس: شاپنگ سینٹر کی آتشزدگی میں بچوں سمیت کم از کم 53 افراد ہلاک

روسی حکام نے روس کے علاقے سائبیریا کے شہر کیمیروو کے ایک شاپنگ سینٹر میں آتشزدگی کے نتیجے میں 53 افراد کی ہلاکت کی تصدیق کی ہے جب کہ دس افراد ابھی تک لاپتہ ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2GbrTiG

سعودی عرب پر سات میزائل حملے، ایک شخص ہلاک

سعودی عرب کی زیرِ قیادت لڑنے والی اتحادی افواج نے کہا ہے کہ انھوں نے یمن میں حوثی باغیوں کے زیرِ قبضہ علاقے سے سعودی سرزمین پر داغے جانے والے سات میزائل فضا میں تباہ کر دیے ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2pE0vTU

’ٹرمپ سے جنسی تعلق چھپانے کے لیے دھمکایا گیا‘

پورن سٹار سٹورمی ڈینیئلز نے ایک ٹی وی انٹرویو میں کہا ہے کہ 2006 میں ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ کے ساتھ اپنے جنسی رشتے کو چھپانے کے لیے انھیں دھمکایا گیا تھا۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2G5h7hG

ٹرافی اٹھائیے؟ سرخ کاپی اٹھائیے

اسلام آباد یونائیٹڈ نے گراؤنڈ میں اچھی ٹیم بنانے سے پہلے آفس میں اچھی ٹیم بنائی۔ نتیجتاً گراونڈ میں ٹیم خودبخود اچھی بن گئی۔

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زمین کے ماحول کے تحفظ کے لیے دنیا بھر میں ارتھ آور پر روشنیاں گل

دنیا میں ماحولیاتی تبدیلیوں کے بارے میں آگاہی پیدا کرنے کے لیے ہر سال ارتھ آور منایا جاتا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2pF0LS0

بال ٹیمپرنگ سکینڈل: سٹیو سمتھ پر ایک میچ کی پابندی اور مکمل میچ فیس کا جرمانہ

آئی سی سی نے جنوبی افریقہ تیسرے ٹیسٹ میچ کے دوران آسٹریلوی کھلاڑی کی جانب سے بال ٹیمپرنگ کے سکینڈل کے بعد آسٹریلوی کپتان سٹیو سمتھ پر ایک میچ کی پابندی لگا دی ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2G7LyEh

پی ایس ایل تھری: ’کوریج کرنی ہے تو سامنے پُل پر سے کرو‘

پاکستان سپر لیگ کے تیسرے ایڈیشن کے فائنل کے موقع پر پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ اور مقامی انتطامیہ کے درمیان رابطے کے فقدان کے سبب میچ کی کوریج کرنے والے میڈیا کو سکیورٹی اہلکاروں کے نامناسب اور سخت گیر رویے کا سامنا کرنا پڑا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2pDbYT4

طالبان کی مدد کی خبریں بے بنیاد ہیں: روس، ’ہم نے کسی کی مدد نہیں لی‘: طالبان

روس اور طالبان نے علیحدہ علیحدہ بیانات میں افغانستان میں امریکی افواج کے سربراہ کے اس بیان کو غلط قرار دیا ہے جس میں انھوں نے کہا تھا کہ روس نہ صرف طالبان کی مدد کر رہا ہے بلکہ انھیں اسلحہ بھی فراہم کر رہا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2G6dCaX

نئے شادی شدہ جوڑے کو پارسل بم سے مارنے کی کوشش کس نے کی؟

انڈیا کی مشرقی ریاست اڑیسہ میں ایک نئے شادی شدہ جوڑے کو تحفے میں ایک بم بھیج دیا گیا جس کے دھماکے سے دولھا ہلاک جبکہ دلھن شدید زخمی ہو گئی۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2GcQ5kN

بادشاہ ہاتھی دے کر واپس نہیں لیتے

اب تک جتنی بھی گفتگو سامنے آئی ہے اس کا نچوڑ یہ ہے کہ اعلیٰ عسکری دماغ نیم قبرستانی پارلیمانی چار دیواری کو چھیڑے بغیر بےترتیب قبروں کو 18ویں ترمیم کے مزار اور کتبوں سمیت قطار وار کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2IOnuDM

شمالی یورپ میں ’نارنجی رنگ کی برف‘ کیوں پڑی؟

افریقہ کے صحرا سے آنے والے ریت کے طوفان کی برف اور پانی میں آمیزش سے شمالی یورپ میں برف کا رنگ سفید ہونے کے بجائے نارنجی ہو گیا۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2GcgOh2

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump determined to push through $60B China tariffs, is not afraid of a trade war, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin tells 'Fo...

03/25/18 11:31 AM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Democratic advantage over Republicans narrows for 2018 midterms: Fox News Poll

03/25/18 9:04 AM

China Appeals for Cooperation as it Warns of ‘Trade War’

A top Chinese official warned Sunday that a “trade war” would harm all sides but gave no indication of Beijing’s possible next move in a spiraling dispute with President Donald Trump over steel and technology.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2DT1N1Y

Mass for French Officer Whose Sacrifice ‘Saved the Nation’

Survivors and families of the victims of Friday’s Islamic extremist attack packed the Saint-Etienne-de-Trebes church for Sunday’s special Mass honoring Lt. Col. Arnaud Beltrame and the three others killed in the attack.

from CBNNews.com https://ift.tt/2pCYWWC

اتوار، 25 مارچ، 2018

Trump tweets he's banning bump stocks ahead of March for Our Lives


Trump tweets he's banning bump stocks ahead of March for Our LivesAhead of the March for Our Lives, President Trump tweets the DOJ will issue a rule to ban bump stocks.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2G8Pi4f

Facebook, Cambridge Analytica Share A Liking For Beta Tests In The Developing World


Facebook, Cambridge Analytica Share A Liking For Beta Tests In The Developing WorldWASHINGTON ― Before the scandal broke over their improper use of Facebook user

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'ڈاکٹروں کو غذائیت کے بارے میں کچھ نہیں پڑھایا جاتا'

برطانیہ میں میڈیکل کے طلبہ نے کہا ہے کہ انھیں خوراک اور صحت پر طرزِ زندگی کے اثرات کے بارے میں کچھ نہیں پڑھایا جاتا، حالانکہ 80 فیصد مریضوں کی بیماریوں کا تعلق طرزِ زندگی اور خوراک سے ہوتا ہے۔

from BBC News اردو - صفحۂ اول https://ift.tt/2pCKFck

Protester sports chilling grim reaper outfit during March for Our Lives rally in Washington DC


Protester sports chilling grim reaper outfit during March for Our Lives rally in Washington DCOne creative protester arrived at the March for Our Lives rally against gun

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2IRq1gK

Students demonstrating for change at March for Our Lives echo past movements


Students demonstrating for change at March for Our Lives echo past movementsSaturday’s massive demonstrations against gun violence were led by young people, a parallel to past protests in the civil rights and anti-war movements.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2uk0o4M

Delete Facebook movement grows amid brewing backlash


Delete Facebook movement grows amid brewing backlashAfter it was revealed that data firm Cambridge Analytica secretly accessed Facebook users’ data, a number of people have become disillusioned with the site and have decided to quit.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2ugiIvT

Live: March for Our Lives demonstrations in Washington, D.C., and around the world


Live: March for Our Lives demonstrations in Washington, D.C., and around the worldHundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in "March for Our Lives" demonstrations around the country on Saturday to call for an end to gun violence.

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The Latest: "March for Our Lives" rallies draw huge crowds


The Latest: "March for Our Lives" rallies draw huge crowdsWASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on student-led protests against gun violence (all times Eastern Daylight Time):

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Bolton is a fan of Islamophobe activist Pamela Geller


Bolton is a fan of Islamophobe activist Pamela GellerPresident Trump’s next national security adviser, John Bolton, wrote the foreword to a book by Pamela Geller, an Islamophobic activist and blogger.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2pzZpZn

Some Gun Rights Activists Counterprotest Massive ‘March For Our Lives' Rallies


Some Gun Rights Activists Counterprotest Massive ‘March For Our Lives' RalliesWASHINGTON ― As hundreds of thousands of students, teachers and activists

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2IOxk8P

Texas murder suspect accused in 3 attacks on elderly women


Texas murder suspect accused in 3 attacks on elderly womenDALLAS (AP) — A man police say posed as a maintenance worker or health care provider at senior apartment complexes has been charged with capital murder in the death of an 81-year-old Dallas woman, and authorities are reviewing hundreds of other cases.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2G7idpl

Here's what the March For Our Lives in D.C. looked like from space


Here's what the March For Our Lives in D.C. looked like from spaceHundreds of thousands of people showed up in Washington, D.C. to attend Saturday's March For Our Lives. As you might expect, that kind of turnout makes for some pretty impressive photos — even from space.  New images from DigitalGlobe's Worldview-2 satellite show the sea of people — and their signs — gathered to march and rally for common-sense gun reform. They're an astounding reminder of the sheer size of this movement. Isn't that right, NRA? SEE ALSO: Emma Gonzalez's March For Our Lives speech will go down in history See for yourself. Image: satellite image ©2018 DigitalGlobe Image: satellite image ©2018 DigitalGlobeIt's hard to compete with a picture from space, but on-the-ground images from marches across the country aren't too shabby, either. President Trump did not witness any of the historic events personally, as he was at Mar-a-Lago, but we feel confident that if he had, he'd have started comparing the crowd size to his inauguration in no time at all. (He'd be sad.) Here's a look at several cities. Washington, D.C. Seems like common sense gun control is pretty popular #MarchForOurLives pic.twitter.com/Ol6K7J2yx5 — Andy Richter (@AndyRichter) March 24, 2018 JUST IN: March for Our Lives crowd tops Trump inauguration, according to organizer estimates https://t.co/byXLnO89rp pic.twitter.com/M2K02K707p — Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) March 24, 2018 St. Paul, Minnesota March for Our Lives crowd gathering, as seen through a 3rd floor window of State Capitol pic.twitter.com/S19A5sYLHD — John Croman (@JohnCroman) March 24, 2018 Seattle, Washington SEATTLE - crowd gathered at Cal Anderson Park for “March for Our Lives” @KIRO7Seattle pic.twitter.com/4UJioFtVmD — Rob Munoz (@RobKIRO7) March 24, 2018 Buffalo, New York Retweeted The Buffalo News (@TheBuffaloNews):A crowd filled Niagara Square for the #MarchForOurLives rally today in Buffalo.https://t.co/zrVdwkMYsH pic.twitter.com/Bs1CDlF6hD https://t.co/zrVdwkMYsH — NORM LONG (@motelonfire) March 24, 2018 San Francisco, California March For Our Lives in San Francisco starting soon. The crowd is here#marchforourlivessf @nbcbayarea pic.twitter.com/uaBt8YUMqh — Christie Smith (@christies_nbc) March 24, 2018 Atlanta, Georgia March for Our Lives crowd will be on the move soon heading toward the capital. @FOX5Atlanta pic.twitter.com/O4LMB9PHjZ — Eli Jordan (@FOX5ELI) March 24, 2018 Asheville, North Carolina Great turn out for the Asheville March for our Lives! Cold wet weather could not keep this crowd away! #MarchForOurLives #MarchForOurLivesAsheville #AshevilleMarchForOurLives #MarchForOurLivesAVL #AVLMarchForOurLives #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/P96h5blepi — Channeling White Light (@ChannelingWhite) March 24, 2018 Los Angeles, California Thousands protest in Los Angeles in the March For Our Lives pic.twitter.com/m5WoRUHtj5 — Sam Blewett (@BlewettSam) March 24, 2018 New York, New York People lined up on 83rd Street on their way into the March For Our Lives in NYC. https://t.co/ldu11QwGmu pic.twitter.com/xjHXzWmxxD — Richie Jay (@richiejay) March 24, 2018 WATCH: These celebrities are getting behind March for Our Lives

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2Gk75bY

Florida school shooting survivors appear on Time magazine cover ahead of global gun control march  


Florida school shooting survivors appear on Time magazine cover ahead of global gun control march  Survivors of last month’s Florida school shooting who remain at the forefront of the reignited debate on US gun control have appeared on the cover of Time magazine. The Parkland teenagers, who have become the face of a national youth movement calling for tighter gun laws following the tragedy, appear next to the headline ‘ENOUGH’. In the five weeks since the Valentine’s Day mass shooting carried out by alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz which left 17 dead, the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have taken on the powerful US gun lobbyists, the National Rifle Association (NRA), and politicians urging for Congress to pass meaningful gun legislation. Survivors Jaclyn Corin, Alex Wind, Emma Gonzalez, Cameron Kasky and David Hogg represent a much larger group driving the movement against gun violence, using social media to mobilise protests calling for action on gun control. Emma Gonzalez TIME's new cover: The school shooting generation has had enough https://t.co/4YI173gqTxpic.twitter.com/7yFEXuVjyb— TIME (@TIME) March 22, 2018 Emma Gonzalez, 18, gained global prominence after delivering an impassioned 11-minute speech at a gun control rally outside a federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, just days after the shooting. Addressing President Donald Trump and the NRA, the grieving teenager told the crowd: “They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence. We call BS!” I believe Emma Gonzalez is the most inspiring female of 2018 with her pure, raw speech that started a movement & she deserves special mention this #IWD2018https://t.co/VOpfZYaU8S— Johnny Boy (@GeeForce77) March 8, 2018 “We are going to be the last mass shooting,” the buzzcut senior announced in the speech that has subsequently been watched by millions on social media. Gonzalez, who hid at the back of the school’s auditorium during the gunman’s rampage, also co-founded the Never Again movement and has won praise for her mature cross examination of NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch in a live TV debate. Good Morning! It's a beautiful day to remember that teachers shouldn't have to worry about anything except their Home Life and Educating their Students �� (and maybe sometimes planning ice cream parties but thats just me)— Emma González (@Emma4Change) February 26, 2018 She now has more followers than the NRA on Twitter, a platform she only joined last month. David Hogg David Hogg hid during the mass shooting Credit: Getty  Aspiring journalist David Hogg, who studies TV production at Stoneman High and writes for the school paper, has become the group’s informal press secretary. The 17-year-old was in an environmental science class when he heard gunshots and hid in a closet with other students as the school was placed on lockdown. He began recording from inside the building on his mobile phone and started interviewing other terrified students who called for the introduction of tighter gun control laws. “Hopefully I’ll live through this,” he said.   As desperate students called their parents from the classroom, Hogg recorded a plea for legislators “to take action and stop this from happening”. “Thousands of people have died from gun violence and it's time to take a stand … for human lives, for children's lives,” he said. After a series of TV interviews, Hogg was even forced to rebut conspiracy theories claiming he was a crisis actor employed by anti-gun activists. Jaclyn Corin #WHATIFpic.twitter.com/wpUsRVzevG— Jaclyn Corin (@JaclynCorin) February 26, 2018 Jaclyn Corin, a junior-class president who appears barefoot on the Time cover, lost her friend Joaquin Oliver in the Parkland mass shooting. The 17-year-old, who wrote a 50-page research paper on gun control last year, became an anti-gun activist the day after the shooting and is a prominent member of the Never Again movement. Her video using the hashtag #whatif to create debate about gun control and posted by fellow Parkland survivors has garnered more than 1.5 million views. Shooting survivor Jaclyn Corin meets with the House Speaker Paul Ryan in the US Capitol in Washington Credit: Reuters “What if politicians valued children’s lives, not dollars?” she asked. “What if 19-year-old’s didn’t have access to weapons of war?” Ms Corin also organised a trip with 100 of her fellow students to meet lawmakers to discuss gun legislation in Tallahassee. Cameron Kasky The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students Credit: AP Cameron Kasky is one of the founding members of the Never Again movement, coining the name and posting it as a hashtag on Facebook. He invited friends to his house after the shooting to discuss what they could do to make a meaningful difference on gun control. The 17-year-old junior has given more than 50 interviews since the shooting and asked Senator Marco Rubio live on CNN: “Can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA?” WATCH & SHARE Stoneman Douglas Student Cameron Kasky asks Marco Rubio whether he will pledge not to take any more NRA money #CNNTownHall#StudentsStandUp#NoNRAMoney#AMJoypic.twitter.com/yYEdYRjGan— #LaquanMcDonald (@ifuaskmee) February 24, 2018 Senator Rubio responded: “I will always accept the help of anyone who agrees with my agenda.” In an op-ed for CNN, Kasky wrote: “We can't ignore the issues of gun control that this tragedy raises. And so, I'm asking -no, demanding - we take action now.” Alex Wind Alex Wind speaks during a rally in advance of Saturday's March for Our Lives event Credit: Reuters  Alex Wind joined Kasky at his home in the hours following the shooting where they founded the Never Again movement. He urged Mr Trump to “make stricter gun control laws” on Twitter after the president offered “prayers and condolences” to families of the victims. Make stricter gun control laws then https://t.co/UH9VGlX8XK— Alex Wind (@al3xw1nd) February 14, 2018 In an interview with CNN, Wind admitted he was “terrified” of returning to school following the tragedy. “I want change to happen so badly, I don’t want to feel unsafe in my own school,” he said.   March For Our Lives The students will be leading the March For Our Lives protests on 24 March, as protesters take to the streets of Washington DC to demand action to end gun violence and mass shootings in schools. Tens of thousands of students will also be campaigning in cities across the US and in six continents this weekend. Mass shootings have become more frequent in the US “People are saying that it’s not time to talk about gun control, and we can respect that,” said Kasky announcing the march. “Here’s a time: March 24, in every single city marching together as students begging for our lives.”   Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson, Demi Lovato and Common are due to be among performers at Saturday's main march.

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UK investigators search London office of firm at centre of Facebook data storm


Students demonstrating for change at March for Our Lives echo past movements


Students demonstrating for change at March for Our Lives echo past movementsSaturday’s massive demonstrations against gun violence were led by young people, a parallel to past protests in the civil rights and anti-war movements.

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Too old for 2020? Trump, Biden, Bernie and the politics of age


Too old for 2020? Trump, Biden, Bernie and the politics of ageWill young voters, mobilized by the movement that has sprung up in response to the high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., turn out for candidates well into their 70s?

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Heroic French officer Arnaud Beltrame dies after switching himself for hostage in France supermarket


Heroic French officer Arnaud Beltrame dies after switching himself for hostage in France supermarketGunman shot dead after taking hostages in Trebes, France Attacker named as petty criminal Redouane Lakdim, 26 At least two people killed in store and dozen more wounded Attacker also shot a driver in the head and stole his car Gunman 'shouted Allahu Akbar' and 'said he supported Isil' Military officer, 45, dies in hospital after swapping himself for hostage A French policeman shot by an Islamist gunman when he swapped himself for a hostage in a supermarket siege has died. Arnaud Beltrame, a lieutenant-colonel in the gendarmerie, was hailed a hero after the attacker - who killed four people in a shooting spree - was shot dead by police.  Mr Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the assailant stormed the store in the southwest town of Trèbes, firing on shoppers and staff before taking a hostage. Gérard Collomb, the interior minister, announced early on Saturday that Mr Beltrame had passed away after he was reportedly hit by several bullets and one injury to the throat. "Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame has left us. France will never forget his heroism, his bravery, his sacrifice."  Arnaud Beltrame, the policeman who died after being seriously injured during the siege, was praised by Emmanuel Macron Credit:  BOYER Claude In an interview in December with the local Independent newspaper, Mr Beltrame said he had taken part in an attack simulation in Carcassonne that centred around a mass attack in a supermarket. "A mass killing took place in a supermarket. This is the only information that was given to the police," he was quoted by the newspaper as saying, describing the simulation scenario. "We want to be closer to real conditions, so there is no pre-established scenario". Emmanuel Macron, the French President, called Mr Beltrame a hero. "He saved lives and honoured his colleagues and his country," President Macron said of the officer. Arnaud Beltrame poses for a photo in Avranches, western France Credit: AP The gunman was identified as 26-year-old Redouane Lakdim, a petty criminal of Moroccan origin who claimed allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil). He opened fire on passengers in a car, killing one of them, then shoot dead another two people at the supermarket.  The gunman was eventually killed in the police assault after a standoff of more than three hours. He reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he burst into the Super U store on the outskirts of the picturesque medieval town of around 5,000 inhabitants. Eyewitnesses told French media that Lakdim demanded the release of Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving member of the 2015 Paris jihadist attacks that killed 130 people, and said he was taking revenge for the international coalition bombing Isil targets in Syria. "He was known by the police for petty crimes, we had monitored him and did not think he had been radicalised," Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told reporters at the scene in Trebes. Radouane Lakdim, who authorities have named as the 26-year-old attacker responsible for the death of at least three people in southwest France Credit: Getty Lakdim was described by a neighbour as a "pleasant young man" who lived with his parents and sisters in a flat in Carcassonne, taking the youngest children to school every day. The incident in Trèbes came as France is still on high alert after suffering a string of terror attacks since January 2015. Lakdim began his shooting spree in his home town, whose huge medieval castle makes it a tourist hotspot, around 10 am local time when he hijacked a car, shooting dead a passenger and seriously injuring its driver. Then he fired at a group of CRS riot policemen who were jogging near the castle in Carcassonne and wounded one of them. Gendarmes and police officers at the supermarket after the hostage situation in Trebes Credit: REGIS DUVIGNAU /Reuters The attacker then drove off towards Trèbes, about five miles away, where he dumped the hijacked vehicle in the car park of a supermarket before storming into the Super U store, and shooting dead a shop worker and a customer. Other customers and staff fled or hid, with one group hiding themselves in the supermarket's cold store Christian Guibbert was one of them. He described how he heard gunshots when he arrived at the supermarket with his wife and sister-in-law, who hid in the cold room while he called police. He saw the attacker holding a handgun and a knife screaming "Allahu Akbar" and ordering people to get on the ground. "At one point he saw me and took after me with his knife," Mr Guibbert told Reuters. "Then I looked back and he wasn't there any more and I slipped out of an emergency exit.” Police arrived shortly after the start of the siege at around 11am. "They managed to get some of the people out," said Interior Minister Collomb, but the attacker kept one woman hostage to use as a human shield. Carcassonne shooing - locator map It was then that Mr Beltrame, the 45-year-old lieutenant-colonel, offered to take the woman's place and remained holed up with Lakdim while negotiations to end the standoff continued. The officer "left his telephone on the table", switched on, to allow police surrounding the building in to listen in, said Mr Collomb. "When we heard shots the GIGN (an elite police force) intervened," the minister said. A team of about a dozen officers entered the building and quickly shot dead the attacker. 'We got him, we got him!," one police officer shouted as he re-emerged from the building, according to an eyewitness account by a journalist from the local newspaper La Depeche. An officer from the GIGN team was also hurt in the operation to neutralise the gunman. 3:37PM Theresa May: We stand in solidarity with our friends and allies in France After the "cowardly" attacks, Theresa May, the Prime Minister, said Britain stands "in solidarity with our friends and allies in France, just as they always stand with us": PM: My thoughts are with the victims of the cowardly attacks in Trèbes and Carcassonne. We stand in solidarity with our friends and allies in France, just as they always stand with us.— UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) March 23, 2018 3:25PM Elite officer who swapped places with hostage kept phone on so colleagues could hear conversation with attacker The unnamed police officer who volunteered to swap his place with a hostage managed to leave his phone on so his colleagues outside could hear his conversation with the attacker. French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb praised the "heroism" of the 45-year-old lieutenant-colonel, who suffered a bullet wound during the assault in which the hostage-taker was shot dead by police and is seriously injured. Mr Collomb said he managed to leave his mobile phone switched on after the swap, establishing a contact with officers outside the supermarket in the stand-off. Mr Collomb said elite French forces stormed the market and killed the gunman after hearing gunshots inside. He did not say how or when the police officer was injured. French security and police gather outside the Super U supermarket in the town of Trebes Credit: PASCAL PAVANI /AFP France Info radio reported that police at first negotiated with the attacker and persuaded him to agree to swap an unspecified number of hostages - perhaps all of them - for an officer from the GIGN unit present at the scene. The GIGN is an elite tactical unit of the Gendarmerie whose operations include hostage rescue, counter-terrorism, and the protection of top government officials. 3:00PM Isil claims responsibility for France attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) has claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement, but gave no evidence for the claim. 2:59PM Police officer who swapped himself for hostage suffered bullet wound Interior Minister Gerard Collomb has confirmed that a gendarme who offered himself in exchange for hostages held in the supermarket was injured. He said that the lieutenant-colonel suffered a bullet wound during the assault in which the hostage taker was shot dead by police. Gendarmes of the French special unit GIGN are seen next to the Trebes supermarket Credit: REGIS DUVIGNAU /Reuters 2:48PM Attacker named as 26-year-old Redouane Lakdim The man who killed at least three people in attacks in southern France was a 26-year old known for petty crimes and possession of drugs, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told reporters, adding that he acted alone. Collomb named the attacker as Redouane Lakdim and said he was from nearby Carcassonne, where the attacks started. "He was known for petty crimes. We had monitored him and thought there was no radicalisation," Collomb said. 2:35PM Attacker was 'radicalised petty criminal under surveillance' The suspect in a supermarket hostage-taking in southern France who killed three people is believed to have acted alone, the French interior minister has said. He described the unnamed attacker as a "radicalised petty criminal under surveillance". Although he was known to authorities, he was "not considered an Islamist threat", the minister added. A military helicopter flies over the village of Trebes during the incident Credit: JEAN-PAUL PELISSIER /Reuters 2:30PM Suspect was 'pleasant young man who... always had a nice word to say' Police have raided the home in Carcassonne of the man suspected of carrying out the supermarket attack in Trebes, Le Parisien newspaper reported. It said police had also raided the homes of his associates and relatives. One neighbour told the newspaper the suspect was a pleasant young man who was "calm, friendly, and always had a nice word to say." He reportedly lived in an apartment block with his parents and sisters, and would take the youngest child to school every day. 2:17PM 'We got him!' shouts police officer after attacker is shot dead A police officer emerged from the supermarket where the hostage-taker was holed up and shouted: "We got him, we got him!" A journalist from the local La Depeche newspaper described the scene as police moved in to put an end to the incident. They wrote: "I saw a dozen police from the GIGN (an elite police corps specialised in hostage and terror situations) go inside the Super U supermarket. "From the outside you couldn't hear any shots being fired. Very quickly after this assault ambulances and a helicopter arrived at the car park. "Then security forces sent sniffer dogs into the building. I saw a police officer come out, shouting: 'We got him, we got him!" French gendarmes block access to Trebes, where a man took hostages Credit: ERIC CABANIS /AFP 2:13PM President Emmanuel Macron: 'All evidence suggests' this is terror attack French President Emmanuel Macron said "all evidence suggests" the shootings in southern France are a terrorist attack.  Speaking in Brussels, where he is attending an EU summit, Macron offered his "full support" to everyone involving in the situation. French President Emmanuel Macron speaking on Friday afternoon Credit: Geert Vanden Wijngaert /AP 2:10PM Military officer swapped himself for supermarket hostage Interior Minister Gerard Collomb confirmed that French police killed the gunman who was holed up in the Super U store. It also emerged that a French military officer took the place of a supermarket hostage. The 45-year old lieutenant-colonel swapped himself in exchange of one of the hostages, a source close to the investigation said. 1:50PM Breaking: Police shoot supermarket attacker dead The suspect in the hostage-taking situation has been shot dead by police, a police union official confirmed. 1:30PM Gunman shot motorist in head before stealing car to drive to supermarket Police have found a body in bushes in Carcassonne and another man there who suffered bullet wounds is being treated in hospital, local media reported. The gunman is believed to have shot a motorist in the head - and also injured the passenger - before stealing the car to drive to the Trebes supermarket. Bruno Bartocetti, the regional representative of the SGP police union, said the Carcassonne attacker is believed to the same person who has taken hostages in Trebes. Local media report that the Trebes attacker is a Moroccan man who lived in Carcassonne. 1:19PM Customers escape after hiding in freezer room for an hour One woman who was shopping in the Trebes supermarket when the attacker burst in said she and other customers hid in a freezer room for an hour before managing to escape. "A man started shouting and fired a gun several times," the shopper, who was not named, told France Info radio. "I saw a door into a freezer room and I told other people around me to come and take refuge there. There were ten of us and we stayed there for an hour. "There were more shots and we eventually got out through an emergency exit at the back." Another witness said the attacker was armed with a gun, knives and a hand grenade. Armed police outside the supermarket on Friday morning Credit: REUTERS 1:16PM Attack comes after string of atrocities in France The attacker holed up in the supermarket in Trebes has reportedly claimed allegiance to Isil. If that is confirmed, the incident would be the first deadly jihadist attack in France since last October, when two young women were stabbed to death outside the main railway station in Marseille. The incident in Trebes, a picturesque medieval town of around 5,000 inhabitants, come as France is still on high alert after suffering a string of terror attacks since January 2015, when a gun attack by radical Islamists on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo killed 12 people. The deadliest assault came in November the same year, when attackers claiming allegiance to Isil killed 130 people in bombings and shootings at bars, restaurants, the Bataclan concert venue and the national stadium. Paris terror attacks: The 25 images that define the tragedy in France The following July, in another attack claimed by Isil, a man drove a truck through revellers celebrating Bastille Day in the Riviera resort of Nice, killing 84 people. The government put the country under a state of emergency after the Paris attacks. This was was finally lifted in October last year, but soldiers continue to patrol major tourist sites and transport hubs. 1:05PM Car used by man in police shooting found at supermarket - police sources The car of the man who fired at riot police near Carcassonne has been found in the car park of the supermarket where an armed man has holed up after reportedly killing at least one person, AFP has reported citing police sources. This would suggest that - as suspected - the two attacks were carried out by the same man. A damaged vehicle in the spot where police officers were shot at and wounded near the town of Carcassonne Credit: Amenvals Nathalie /PA 12:38PM Police confirm at least two people killed in hostage-taking French police have confirmed that two people have been killed and about a dozen wounded in the supermarket hostage-taking. However, the casualty toll is likely to rise, the regional head of the gendarmes said. "We are unfortunately expecting to find more victims," he told Sud-Ouest newspaper. A spokesman with the national police service said that it is unclear whether there are still hostages inside the store. The spokesman said a police operation to apprehend the assailant is still under way. 12:12PM Attacker reported to be Moroccan national known to French intelligence services The attacker is a Moroccan national known to France's intelligence services, according to La Depeche, a regional newspaper. The authorities have so far given no details about the man's identity. 12:10PM Hostage-taker 'demanding release of Salah Abdeslam' A French TV station reports that the hostage-taker has demanded the release of Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving member of the Isil cell that attacked Paris in November 2015 and killed 130 people. He is currently in a prison near Paris awaiting trial for those attacks. Salah Abdeslam Credit: AFP/Getty 12:03PM French PM: We believe this is a terrorist act French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said: "The information which we currently have to hand makes us believe that this is a terrorist act."  He said he will cut short a visit to the eastern town of Mulhouse and return to Paris to monitor the situation in Trebes and will "remain in constant contact with the president," Emmanuel Macron, who is in Brussels today for a European Council meeting. Meanwhile, around 50 people who fled the supermarket have taken refuge in a Peugeot garage next to the store.  11:46AM Attacker shouted Allahu Akbar as he burst into store - witness The hostage-taker has killed at least one person inside the supermarket, a police union official said, reports Rory Mulholland. The hostage-taking began at 11am local time when a man burst into the supermarket and fired shots, the local prosecutor’s office said. Local police said they believed one or two people were hit hit by the gunfire. One witness said the attacker had shouted Allahu Akbar as he burst into the store. Police close to the scene of the hostage-taking at a Super U supermarket in Trebes Credit: Sky News 11:34AM Attacker wanted to 'take revenge for Syria'  The attacker, who is believed to be in his 30s, has one or more grenades and said that he wanted to "take revenge for Syria", sources told the Dépêche du Midi newspaper. Local media said it was the same man who shot the police officers and then took refuge in the supermarket, but this has not been confirmed. 11:25AM Two confirmed injured in supermarket hostage-taking The Mayor of Trebes has told BFM TV that there are at least two people injured in the supermarket-hostage situation. The scene in Trebes as the attack was under way Credit: Sky News 11:17AM Policeman injured after man opens fire on officers A man opened fire on four French police officers before fleeing the scene in Carcassonne. He is reported to have fired five shots. One police officer was injured after he was shot in the shoulder. He is being treated in hospital.   It has not yet been confirmed if this incident is linked to the hostage-taking in nearby Trebes. 11:15AM Counter-terror investigation launched into hostage-taking Counter-terrorism prosecutors are investigating the incident, a source in Paris said. The Super U supermarket in Trebes. File picture Credit: Google Street View 11:15AM People urged to avoid area around supermarket The French Interior Ministry said on its Twitter account Friday that police and rescue operations were the priority. Authorities in the Aude region are warning people to avoid the area around the supermarket. 

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Syria rebels, civilians leave penultimate Ghouta pocket


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Taiwan says should educate its youth on dangers of China


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US schools arm students and teachers with buckets of rocks to protect against shooters


US schools arm students and teachers with buckets of rocks to protect against shootersStudents in one US school district are being armed with rocks to defend themselves during a mass shooting. Five-gallon buckets of river stone have been placed in 200 classrooms across the Blue Mountain School District in Pennsylvania. “If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance, they will face a classroom full of students armed with rocks, and they will be stoned,” said superintendent David Helsel.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/2pDYkiG

Trump Threatens To Veto Spending Bill Over Border Wall Funding, Then Signs It


Trump Threatens To Veto Spending Bill Over Border Wall Funding, Then Signs ItWASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump on Friday said he might veto the

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Nigeria's Buhari meets released Dapchi schoolgirls


Nigeria's Buhari meets released Dapchi schoolgirlsBy Felix Onuah ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari met 107 schoolgirls on Friday freed by Islamist militant group Boko Haram and promised to secure the release any of their classmates still held in the remote northeast. "This cheering and hearty development signifies our commitment to the security and well-being of all Nigerians," Buhari said after posing in Abuja for a group photograph with the girls, who spent a month in Boko Haram captivity. Boko Haram fighters stunned residents of Dapchi on Wednesday when they drove a line of trucks into the town and released the girls, triggering tears and ululations of joy from relatives.

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