بدھ، 31 جولائی، 2019

Beetroots – Amazing Tibenabvi Health BenefitsZIA MUGHAL


source: myupchar.com beetrootsBeetroots are well-known as a versatile ingredient in many different foods. The vegetable is prominently used in numerous traditional cuisines. Moreover, it holds many tibenabvi medicinal benefits. Everything from the root to the leaves is used for food and treating patients alike.

  • Reference in Hadith: (جذور الشمندر).
  • Reference in Quran:
  • Arabic Name: (جذور الشمندر).
  • Latin/Botanical Name: (Beta Vulgaris).
  • English Name: Beetroot.
  • Urdu Name: Choqandar (چقندر).

Quranic References of Beetroots

There are no Quranic references of Beetroot.

What are Beetroots?

source: health.sunnybrook.caBeetroot is the edible taproot part of beet plant which is commonly used in many different foods. The most famous cultivar is bright red in color with a sweet flavor. However, there are numerous others, with colors ranging from off-white and yellow to a golden color. Sugar beets are commercially grown for harvesting sugar from them. In the United States, almost half the sugar is sourced from them. However, that crop has been genetically modified for having high sugar content for specifically harvesting it.

Whole beetroot can be added to salads, cooked, pickled and even served on its own raw because both the taproot and leaves are edible. It has been used since ancient times for treating diseases such as hepatitis and digestive ailments. The vegetable also yields a strong, organic food coloring which is actively used in many industries.

Nutritional Information

Following is the nutritional information of beetroot per 100 grams:

No. Nutrients Unit Value per 100 g
01 Energy kcal 43
02 Carbohydrates gram 9.56
03 Sugars grams 6.76
04 Dietary fiber grams 2.8
05 Fat grams 0.17
06 Protein grams 1.61
07 Beta-Carotene micrograms 2.0
08 Thiamine milligrams 0.031
09 Riboflavin milligrams 0.04
10 Niacin milligrams 0.334
11 Pantothenic acid milligrams 0.155
12 Vitamin B6 milligrams 0.067
13 Folate micrograms 109
14 Vitamin C milligrams 4.9
15 Calcium milligrams 16.0
16 Iron milligrams 0.8
17 Magnesium milligrams 23.0
18 Manganese milligrams 0.329
19 Phosphorus milligrams 40.0
20 Potassium milligrams 325.0
21 Sodium milligrams 78.0
22 Zinc milligrams 0.35
23 Water grams 87.58

Benefits of Beetroots According to TibeNabvi

Beetroots are included in tibenabvi owing to their vast medical benefits. When Hazrat Ali (RA) was consuming dates at a guest’s house, The Holy Prophet (SAW) stopped him and said “You recently recovered from illness, hence you are weak, hence don’t eat more. Hazrat Umme Munzir (RA) then prepared a dish from barley and beet root and The Holy Prophet (SAW) said “Eat from it, it is better for you” (Tirmidhi).

Following are the health benefits of eating beetroots:

1. Significantly Improves Cardiovascular Health

source: clipart.emailHomocysteine is an amino acid sourced from animal protein. Its high concentration have been proven to cause cardiovascular issues. Betaines in beets lowers their levels, which prevents onset of heart issues. Betalains in beetroots also prevent inflammation of the heart muscles, thus keeping them in good form. The high fiber content keeps bad cholesterol under check as it sates diet and flushes LDL from the body through detoxification.

2. Significantly Reduces Chances of Stroke

source: health.harvard.eduThe potassium in beets reduces risks of having a stroke along with other complications. It functions a vasodilator which expands the blood vessels, thus allowing them to easily cope with blood pressure. It is especially effective for patients who have a history of cardiovascular complications.


3. Stabilizes Blood Pressure

source: nanotechetc.comBeetroot is rich in dietary nitrates which are synthesized into nitric oxide. It dilates the blood vessels, thus reducing the load of blood pressure on them and consequently preventing hypertension.


4. Keeps the Capillaries Strong

source: mydocuc.comBlood vessels are the smallest vessels in the human body and are often the cause for bigger medical issues if not taken care of properly. The flavonoids and vitamin C in beets keeps them healthy and strong, which prevents them from becoming the cause for medical issues.


5. Good for Brain

source: youtube.comBeetroots significantly enhance brain activity as the nitrates increase oxygenation. As a result, the brain benefits from increased oxygen supply. The somatomotor cortex is able to function effectively, which prevents the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This also improves the overall mood.

6. Enhances Physical Strength, Endurance and Stamina

source: mirror.co.ukBeetroots contain high concentration of nitrates which dilate the blood vessels, consequently improving blood flow. This reduces the stress of blood pumping through them. Moreover, it also improves oxygen intake by the red blood cells, further enhancing endurance and stamina.

7. Works as an Aphrodisiac

source: belmarrahealth.comBeetroots contain boron, which has been proven to stimulate the release of sexual hormones. As a result, they are a good addition to any diet which focuses on increasing libido and fertility.


8. Increases Physical Energy

source: medisyskart.comBeets contain simple carbohydrates which are actively absorbed and used by the body. Since they are not present in excessive quantity, they can be absorbed and utilized by the body without being converted into fat deposits.


9. Strong Bones

source: youtube.comBeetroots contain high amounts of minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium and zinc which help develop strong bones They also boost the metabolism, which in turn provides the bones with more nutrients to work with.


10. Increases Blood Production

source: malehealthclinic.comBeets are loaded with iron and vitamin C which promotes biological synthesis of red blood cells. Vitamin C enhance iron absorption for the body to make the most out of the mineral.


11. Good for the Digestive System

source: yellowsquash.inBeetroot has a long history of being prescribed for treating medical complications related with the digestive tract. Its high fiber content promotes peristalsis movement in the gut, thus keeping the chyme (partially digested food) moving. The stomach acids convert it into a gel like substances which has no nutritional value but is vital for good digestion. The high dosage of antioxidants also flushes the body of toxins.

12. Rich Source of Dietary Fiber

source: health.harvard.eduThe digestive system requires adequate dietary fiber in order to function effectively. Even though it does not have any nutritional value, it is essential in diet because it helps peristalsis movement. Moreover, it keeps the chyme longer and moving in proper intervals so the nutrients can be absorbed properly. The fiber creates a passable stool. Lack of it in diet results in constipation. It also flushes the body of LDL and homogenize water levels in the gut.

13. Assists in Healthy Weight Loss

source: nhs.ukThe high amounts of fiber and water in beets combined with low caloric value makes them superfood for weight loss. They also contain magnesium and potassium which detoxify the body and maintain normal water percentage in the body, which prevents bloating. The fiber sates hunger for longer period as it takes time to pass through the digestive tract.

14. Good for Eyesight and Keeps Cataracts at Bay

source: irishnews.comBeetroots are a great source of beta-carotene which is an excellent antioxidant for fighting macular degeneration. The disease is caused by rising quantity of free radicals in human body. However, beta-carotene actively works to remove them, which in turn assists in good eyesight in old age.

Cataracts are formation of cloudy coverings on the eye which eventually block out vision. They are caused by numerous reasons ranging from old age to trauma. Beetroots provide the body with healthy doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for their prevention. Read more about how to improve eyesight here.

15. Delays Cellular Aging

source: candidaspecialists.comBeets are a good source of antioxidants, which have been proven to delay the onset of cellular aging. The essential minerals act as catalysts for cellular metabolism which promotes their health.


16. Strengthens Immune System

source: revgenetics.comBeets are rich in vitamins and minerals, which greatly benefits the immune system. They are also loaded with antioxidants which work against aging. With a strong immune system, the body is able to stave off infections and maintain optimum health.

17. Fights Cancer

source: revgenetics.comBeetroot is especially effective in reducing chances of developing skin, lung and colon cancer. It contains medically proven betacyanins which reduce chances of cancer. The body has to deal with nitrates after the consuming meat. This consequently causes the biological synthesis of nitrosamine compounds. High concentration of these compound is linked with cancer. Beetroots counteract this, thus preventing the rise of mutant cancer cells.

18. Detoxifies the Liver

source: deepfeet.comBeetroots contain betaines that enhance liver functionality and promotes its good health. They are loaded with healthy betacyanins which actively work to prevent liver cancer. Pectin is a water soluble fiber found in both fruit and vegetables. As it turns out, it comes loaded in beetroots. It turns in to a gel like substance after leaving intestines and assists in digestion. It also detoxifies the liver and prevents fatty liver complications.

19. Promotes Strong Respiratory System

source: draxe.comDoctors highly recommend beetroots for patients suffering from respiratory issues, especially asthma patients. It has vitamin C and works against free radicals in the body. Its combination of vitamins boost the immune system which increases their performance against foreign contaminants. This heightens resistance against bacterial infections and poisons from affecting lungs.

20. Ensures Proper Gestational Growth

source: kenyanz.comBeetroots are rich in vitamin B and folate which is essential for the proper growth of a fetus’ spine. Its deficiency can cause improper growth and birth defects related to the nervous system.

The post Beetroots – Amazing Tibenabvi Health Benefits appeared first on Tib e Nabvi - Prophets Medicine.

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